Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Bk2 Ch.9 Rewards -part1

After everyone recovered from shock, Ruby grabbed Fang, and glared at him suspiciously.

Ruby: ... How did you know what a Dragon's bite would do to UnMythic blood?

Fang: Books! You have a lot of them.

Ruby sighed and let go of Fang, who crawled back into Ruby's bag.

Midnight: So... Sapphire is a Mythic.

Barak cautiously walked up to Sapphire, sniffing as he made a full circle around her.

Sapphire: Cool! I'm one of you guys, now. But do you always-

Ruby: Just ignore that. We've survived at least a thousand years without that stuff. Any berry juice is a better substitute, anyway! Besides, the UnMythics should evacuate the island in a matter of hours. Maybe a day.

While the others crowded around Sapphire, Midnight dug into his pocket, and gingerly took out the weird key he stole. He hesitated before giving it to Sunshine.

Sunshine: How did this-

Midnight: I wanted my useless trinket back, so I stole it off you... the fake one. I thought I'd be better if I gave it back before any more crazy things happen. Now please don't kill me...

Sunshine paused, and took the strange object from Midnight. She looked behind at Ruby and Barak, before facing him.

Ruby didn't pay much attention to Midnight or Sunshine, instead she tried to take the Ultimate defense (which was planted firmly in the ground), but failed.

Ruby: Strange... I can't move it.

Barak: It will stay there forever now. It'll prevent any more wars happening if the UnMythics decide to come back!

Ruby: Ok, understandable. We should probably get out of this storm - and send word that we have won the war. Echo, can I have your assistance?

The bat flew around Ruby's head while start wrote out a short note.

Sapphire: Does this mean I have to stay away from cinnamon forever?

Fang: Pretty much. You'll learn to avoid it quickly enough, though!

Sapphire sighed and took out the last cinnamon bomb she had. She threw it as far as she could down the mountain, out of sight and range.

Sapphire: Well, this means I have another reason to move in with Ruby! Isn't that great, Mora?

The hound jumped up and down with excitement, but Barak still looked scared.

Sapphire: Sorry, Barak. I guess you were trying to protect me, huh? So did you see into the future or something?

Barak: Y-yeah... something like that.

Sapphire: I thought you were a bit underage to do that, but since you're special that's probably ok.

Ruby finished writing her note and gave it to Echo, who quickly zoomed off into the direction of home.

Ruby: I wonder if the Ultimate defense has a range limit... I guess we'll soon find out. Ok, everyone. We need to get back home as soon as possible!

Ruby took out the map in her bag and scanned the paper. After a while, she made her choice and pointed back down the path.

Ruby: Just back down this path and through the forest. Let's go.

Midnight and Sunshine waited until everyone had gone a little bit ahead before following. Midnight hissed into Sunshine's ear, carefully.

Midnight: We'll continue to discuss this after all this is over. For now, don't get your neck chopped off.

The white cheetah nodded and carried on ahead.


After hours of non stop walking, they reached EverWinter village at nightfall. Sapphire made straight for Grandma's old house, ignoring the pains in her body.

Sapphire: No UnMythics for miles - I'd say we won!

Ruby: Yes, I don't see anyone, which is strange... I wonder if the Vampire Lord got my message?

Sapphire walked up the steps to Grandma's door, and slowly opened it. No one seemed to be home as she walked around the wrecked house.

Sapphire: This is like the zombie apocalypses, but without the undead.

Midnight: What's that suppose to mean?

Sapphire: It's like a ghost town - no Vampires, everything mostly destroyed... It's just us!

Ruby: They must be up at the Mansion. That's where all the food and defenses are. Two of us should go and have a look, though...

Midnight: Me and Barak will-

Ruby: Sorry, but I can't let you go. You're injured and need rest!

Midnight: I-

Ruby: The war is over.  And that was an order.

Midnight: Says who?

Ruby: Me. Now get inside or I'll drag you in and drop you myself.

Ruby signaled to Barak to follow her as they started to rummage around in the ruins of their town, searching for anything drinkable or edible.


  1. The war is OVER?! Eh?! And what kind of Mythic is Sapphire now?

    1. Probably Vampire. I haven't had enough time to figure it all out yet, but we'll know soon enough.
