Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Bk2 Ch.8 Dark Sun Mountain -part1

Somewhere, near Everwinter village...

UnMythic soldiers were patrolling around the east part of Everwinter forest, searching for any Vampires hidden in it's frosty shadows. Out of the corner of their eyes, they saw something move.

UnMythic 1: Did you see that?

UnMythic 2: Only if you saw it.

They crept closer, guns ready to fire. Like lightning, the thing easily punched one of them backwards, and flung another into a tree.

???: NOW!!!

A smoke bomb went off and the two figures dashed away, leaving the soldiers in the dust.

Topaz: I hope you did that right this time, Kunzite. The last thing we need is UnMythics following us to our hideout! AGAIN.

Kunzite: Boo checked for me - he said it was great!

Topaz: I'll be the judge of that when we get back to safety. You did manage to get some food, didn't you?

Kunzite: Of course! My animal friends always give me something!

Topaz: How are we even related?...

The two kangaroos came across a tree with a rope ladder, and at the top was a small purple fox.

Hex (purple fox): Quick! Get up here!

They climbed up as the UnMythics got closer. They hid behind the branches as the soldiers sprinted past, unaware.

Kunzite: Yes! We made it!

Hex: Did you bring back sometime good?

Topaz dug into her bag and started giving things to Hex.

Topaz: Some small bronze gears for Boo, pens and pencils for you, and some unspoiled berries for lunch.

Hex jumped up and down with joy and dashed into the ruined tree house. The kangaroo cousins followed close behind.

Grandma: Ah, I see you have returned safely.

Hex: Boo! They scavenged parts from the village - they found six special bronze gears for your secret project that I'm not suppose to know about!

Topaz: Now that our mission is over, I'm going to catch up on the daily news.

Topaz turned to the newspaper on the floor and started reading. Kunzite slowly made her way to Grandma, a little worried.

Kunzite: Uh... Grandma? How do we know for sure if Ruby and Sapphire are ok?

Grandma: Have faith in them, young one. They're with Barak and Fang - they'll be fine.

Kunzite: I hope you're right, Great great great Auntie.


Sapphire slid behind a huge boulder and started throwing rocks at the oncoming UnMythic soldiers.

Ruby: How did they find us? Does Leaf have a tracking device on her or something?

Leaf: I'll humor you. I think they knocked me unconscious when I was hired, just in case I went rogue.

Midnight made a jump towards Sapphire's rock, but missed. She quickly pulled him to safety as more guns fired.

Midnight: That's all the more reasons why you should hate your kind. Speaking of kinds, where is Barak when we need him?

Sapphire: Three... two...-

Barak suddenly swooped over the UnMythics and shot light beams in all directions.

Sapphire: Aw, almost had it...

Ruby: I think he can take them! We just have to cross this bridge!

Sapphire: Move it, prisoner!

Sapphire grabbed Midnight and Leaf and raced across the wood ladder bridge, much to Midnight's discomfort. Ruby followed behind shortly, and cut the ropes so the enemy couldn't follow.

Ruby: That should slow them down!

Sapphire: ... Hey, Ruby? What do you think our cousins are thinking about right now?

Ruby: Is this really a good time? And define "cousins", I mean... we have dozens of them. Mostly female last time I checked.

Sapphire: Topaz and Kunzite, actually.

Ruby: We can talk about this later. Right now, we need to get Midnight- Where's Sunshine?

Leaf (who was steadily running ahead of Sapphire) broke loose and ran off down the mountain.

Sapphire: GET BACK HERE YOU... uh... COPY CAT!!!

Ruby: Sunshine! Where are you?

Midnight: Forget about those kittens and help me get out of here!

Ruby hesitated for a moment before helping Midnight into a nearby cave. Sapphire watched Barak fight a little longer before beckoning to him to safety. The baby Dragon flew across the big gap, grabbed Echo (who was flying around aimlessly) and dived for cover in the new cave with Sapphire.

Sapphire: So Sunshine's mission (again), and Cabbage got away.

Thunder sounded close by, startling everyone.

Ruby: Midnight, do you have any fresh wounds?

Midnight: N-no...

Ruby: ... I don't believe you. Fang, medicine kit, please.

Fang (who was hiding in Ruby's bag) got a fresh role of bandages and threw them out of the bag. Sapphire cursed under her breath as Ruby started fixing Midnight up.


  1. SAVE MIDNIGHT! (And I think we're close to the sneak peek part of the tale you posted a few months ago!)
