Saturday, November 7, 2015

Nuzlocke Family

Hey, people! It's the Saturday night post, and I bring you something less friendly than your normal Pokemon game.

This is Lothair and Matilda's family from my Nuzlocke Platinum run. Matthew being the eldest, Luna the adopted, and young Nero.

Lothair (my starter) is one of the strongest Pokemon on my team. He's bold, and never gives up on a task at hand. He's also a great role model for his teenage son, Matthew.

Matilda is the only pure dark-time I have. She loves herself a bit too much, but feels ashamed for feeling so. Matilda and Lothair are still a bit awkward between each other, but she's a great mother.

Matthew was born weird (kinda obvious, since his father is a monkey and his mother a dog), and is having trouble fitting in with everyone. He loves playing tricks on his teammates though, and isn't afraid to crack a really bad joke at the weirdest of times.

Luna was given to me as an egg, so she hatched without any true parents. She was adopted by Lothair and Matilda as their only daughter. Luna is really gentle and kind to anyone she meets, but can be a little stubborn at times.

And Nero, tough little newborn to the family. He's very adventurous, never giving up until he's completed his childish missions. Bites every new thing he sees.

I reaaaaaaally hope none of these guys die... I've grown far to attached to them than I should've...

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