Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Bk2 Ch.7 Sapphire's plan -part3

Sapphire dashed out of the cell they were kept in, passed a few guards on duty and burst into an important looking room.

Sapphire: Ok, step two is completed.

Barak (who had taken anyone out in his way) crashed into Sapphire. He quickly got up, and accidentally destroyed a nearby bookcase.

Sapphire: Wow, Barak. Can you make any more noise? I don't think the enemy can hear you!

Barak: I can, but-

Sapphire: Then please be discreet about it!

Sapphire explored the room, trying to find something of interest. Sunshine quietly came in, and pressed a button near the door. A nearby screen turned on.

Sapphire: Oh, well... I would've found that eventually.

Barak found a remote, and started  pushing buttons randomly.

Sapphire: Barak, I don't think it's a good idea to be playing with that!

Barak: Do you want me to destroy it then?

Sapphire: No! I want to know how it works - I need to send a message.

Sunshine: If you want to send a letter, my bat friend could deliver it. Well... If he gets back...

Sapphire: I don't have time - I need to send word to my mother before "they" do. If I go home at a time like this, I'll be stuck in my room forever!

More guards charged in, but Barak shot a light beam at them, and destroyed a few more rooms. Alarms started going off.

Sapphire: ... Ok, I admit we have more important things to do - like GETTING OUT OF HERE!!!

Barak shot out another light beam, creating a path to the outside world. Sapphire grabbed Sunshine's arm and dashed out into the rain.


Some time later~


Barak zoomed across the sky, searching for any signs of Ruby and Midnight, but all he could see was rocks and paths leading nowhere.

Barak: They sure hide well! I better report to Sapphire.

The Dragon turned around and flew down to the ground with a crash. He bounded off to where he thought Sapphire and Sunshine should be, but crashed into something red.

Ruby: Barak! Where were you? And where's Sapphire?

Barak quickly got up, and brushed off the dirt on his scales.

Barak: She's fine! Along with Sunshine and-

Midnight: Uh, what are you talking about? Sunshine's right here!

Barak looked behind Midnight, and saw Sunshine. He leaped at her, knocking her to the ground.

Midnight: Uh, are you that happy to see her?

Barak: This isn't Sunshine!

Ruby: Uh, what did you say?

Barak: She isn't the real Sunshine!

Sunshine: Yes I am! How can there be two of me?

Ruby: I don't understand, Barak!

Barak: Ok, I'll show you!

Barak grabbed hold of Sunshine and leaped into the air and down the mountain. Nearby, was pond, and he plunged in.

Midnight: Barak's gone nuts! And bonkers, too, apparently.

Ruby: What does he think he's doing?

Midnight: I dunno, but he said something about her "not being Sunshine".

Ruby: Well, if they don't come up soon, she might drown!

Barak burst from the water, but with a green coloured cheetah. Barak slammed her to the ground, and threw her back up the mountain towards Ruby and Midnight.

Ruby: Oh~...

The infiltrator sighed and slowly got up.

??? (green cheetah): So you finally found out... Pity. If I had stayed hidden just a bit longer, I would've taken blacky out.

Midnight: Good thing you didn't! Your "friends" shot bullets into my arm and legs, so that probably would've ruined my day even more!

Ruby: Tell us your name!

???: Or what?

Ruby: Barak might hyper beam your face. No one wants that to happen.

???: ... No. I'd rather die than spill anything to the likes of you freaks!

Midnight: Ok, hold it! No one will get unalived on my watch.

Ruby: Midnight, I agree with you, but we can't let her waltz back to her buddies.

???: Hey, it's not like I had a choice working for them. I was the "perfect" copy cat (pun intended), so I was forced to.

Barak: And that makes it ok?

Ruby: No, it doesn't.

Midnight: So wheres the real "Sunshine"?

???: She should be safely locked up in one of our hidden bases.

Barak: Uh, actually, she's with Sapphire. I was going to find them when I bumped into you guys!

???: ... Oh, cinnamon cupcakes...

She tried to take something out of her pocket, but Midnight snatched it first.

???: W-, How...

Midnight: It's what a thief does best - don't underestimate me just because I'm broken.

Midnight took a look at what he stole. It seemed to be a small electronic device, making some vibrations.

Midnight: ... Where's our UnMythic know it all when we need her?

Sapphire: Right here!

They looked behind them to see Sapphire, and the real Sunshine.

Sapphire: Now before you say anything, my plan sort of... kinda worked, but it failed as well. But right now, let's get out of here!

Ruby: Why-

Barak grabbed hold of the green cheetah and dragged her after Sapphire, not questioning anything.


  1. Can the bat talk to the narrator?

    1. No, Echo can't talk to the narrator - only Fang can.
