Saturday, September 19, 2015

A normal day for the Bunny Buddies

Hello guys! I won't bother mentioning my name, only because you clearly know who it is!

I remember a time, long ago, where I had a gang of Secret Agent rabbits, protecting the world from minor evils... such as stopping a slightly mad fox from setting off a stink bomb that has a mind control effect on humans.

... You can ask, but I don't have an answer to it.

Instead, here's a picture of them (mostly Flame) trying to get Nikki so that she may have her just desserts, and none of the sandy kind.

(I think I was meaning to add shadowing and stuff, but I never got around to it.
Oh well! Maybe next time.)

... What? Oh, no. That's not blood - far from it! It's red paint! Why does Nikki have red paint and cold lettuce soup in her fur, I hear some of you ask?

Well... that would just ruin the story! And I can't do that, can I? Off to head cannon land for you lot if you're curious!

(I just realized I post something "Non UV" every Saturday night. Maybe this could be a thing?)
(The only difference in this picture, compared to the comics, is that Browny had a gender swap... AGAIN.
Oh, and Spike has a leather jacket now! Cool, eh? Although it's not like you knew if he had one or not...)

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