Monday, September 28, 2015

Bk2 Ch.5 Dungeons and creatures - part3

Midnight felt his way through the darkness, making sure he wasn't going to crash into anything. Suddenly, he heard a low growling sound far off. He stopped, and became dead quiet.

It sounded again, but fainter. He began sneaking again, when a flash of light hit him in the eyes. Midnight covered his face from the bright light.

Midnight: OW!!! My eyes - they burn!

Something kicked him in the stomach, and pushed him against the wall. Midnight squinted his eyes, only to see an UnMythic soldier.

Midnight: Of course... instead of getting a monster, I get a sissy guard dog...

UnMythic soldier (red deer): HEY! It's not like I ASKED to do this! Creepy bat cat...

Midnight: I'll have you know I'm pure night cheetah. Can't you see how handsome I am? The long fine tail of pure majesty?

UnMythic soldier: I don't care about what you look like! It's...  it's what you are!

Midnight: Ok, so what's the difference between a Vampire and an UnMythic?

UnMythic soldier: Vampires are blood thirsty freaks that have no feelings for others! They control us Kredian's into doing their bidding! It's not-

Midnight: Hold up just a minute... don't you mean, UnMythics? Not this... krilldins or something.

UnMythic soldier: It's Kredian's. The place where we originally came from!

Midnight opened his eyes, surprised.

Midnight: Um... mind telling me about it? Sounds like a good bedtime story.

UnMythic soldier: No. You don't deserve to know!

Midnight: Then mind loosening your grip on my throat? It's getting a little hard to breath...

UnMythic soldier: Good! That's exactly what I want!

The UnMythic pressed harder, right to the point where Midnight could barely get air. Everything for him started going black.

Suddenly, something attacked the UnMythic, making him let go of Midnight. He slumped to the ground, gasping for breath. He looked up to see a small, furry animal tackling the UnMythic.

Midnight: Good grief, there is a monster down here! Good - that ensures that treasure can't be far behind!

Suddenly, Midnight realized that the "monster" was actually Mora. She defeated the UnMythic soldier, and backed him into a corner.

Midnight: ... You disappoint me, Mora. Thanks for saving me, but still. Doesn't change that fact.

The blood hounded barked with enthusiasm. The UnMythic make an attempt to kick her, but she dodge and bit him back.

Midnight: Don't upset the hound, moron. Every dog is capable of murder if you hurt it. So don't try anything you might regret! Unless you want to become a Vampire...

 Mora bit the UnMythic again before following Midnight down the tunnel. The growling noises still sounded faintly, making Mora's ears prick up.

Midnight: What's up, Mora?

The hound looked up at the ceiling, then back at Midnight.

Midnight: ... Ah... dirt. I see.

Mora barked in agreement and continued listening. They turned a corner and saw a faint light, and a huge shadow. Mora growled, and stepped behind Midnight.


Ruby and Co continued waiting for Midnight and Mora, but after twenty minutes of waiting, Ruby gave up.

Ruby: I'm afraid to say it, but we'll have to go on without them.

Sapphire: The rest of you can. I'm staying here - I'm not leaving Mora!

Ruby: Oh for crying out loud... We're not leaving anyone else! We've already wasted enough time on Midnight, and we have to go on!

Barak came back from his scout, obviously amused.

Barak: Nice ruined castle, up there. Loads of UnMythics guarding it though. They ran off after I fired a light beam at them.

Sunshine stepped back from Barak, a little dazed.

Sunshine: U-UnMythics?

Sunshine started walking a little further from the group.

Ruby: Where are you going?

Sunshine: Just give me a minute. I'm thinking of something!

Sapphire: ... Ok... so, did you see anything else on your "scout" Dragon boy?

Barak: My name is Barak, isn't it?

Sapphire: I was being... never-mind.

Barak: Uh... no, I guess I didn't see anything more then that.

Ruby: Strange... If there was a monster hiding in that castle, then why are there UnMythics guarding it? They must think it's pretty safe to be there at all...

Sapphire: Maybe they haven't heard? They are oblivious to "myths" and "stories" from the ages, after all.

Ruby: You weren't!

Sapphire: Kinda hard to ignore them if you spent your young childhood with a Vampire... makes you believe weird things.

Ruby: Yeah, I guess...

Sunshine came back at that moment, very concerned.

Sunshine: We should continue our journey - with, or without the cheetah and dog.

Sapphire: Argh! Don't you get it? I'm not leaving until they are back!

Ruby: Look, if you're that worried, you can stay if you really want...  I just don't want to leave you behind.

Sapphire: I appreciate that, but I'll be fine. I can run for my life if there's anything dangerous.

Ruby: Ok... well... see you later, I guess. 

Ruby, Barak and Sunshine started walking up the hill, and towards the mountains, leaving Sapphire on her own.


  1. Great chapter part! :)

    For some weird reason, when Midnight talked to the UnMythic about how handsome he is, it reminded me of when Brock says that in my weird commercial skit things on my blog. XD

  2. So.. the unmythic is dead or unconcious? He's probably whipped out his phone and called the cops.

    1. Just backed into the corner. Mora can be pretty scary when she wants to be! If he starts moving, Mora will probably just dashed back towards him and bite him again.

      But that's true - the UnMythics are more advanced in technology then Vampires... but we'll just wait and see.

    2. I'm guessing they have radios or the Apple II or something...
