Saturday, September 5, 2015

My eevees doing things...

Hello friendly people! No post, but a picture!

Basically my eevee kids from my Pokemon Y game (at least, in the comics) like lemonade. Well, most of them... Those that don't often have "Lemonade Wars" with the ones that do. Very entertaining, but one of the Alphas always puts a stop to it before anything gets serious.

But it's true - if you have a talent, make the most of it! If someone makes fun of it, just throw it in their faces and laugh for a while.

(As you can see this isn't my best work... not even in my top twenty. But it was fun sketching, outlining, and painting it! Plus, just look how adorable Dopey is!)
(Has no one seriously seen he pattern yet? No? Ok...)


  1. When life gives you lemons, make grape juice and sit back while the world wonders how you did it.

  2. I'm just going to assume you all saw the hidden message about the eevees. :)

  3. Without sugar and water, your lemonade will tastes terrible -D6

  4. Can Epet change her blogs back to anonymous? I cant comment anymore :( -D6

    1. I'm sure if you let her know, or if she sees this, I'm sure she will.

  5. The Eevees all have D in their names.

    1. Yes, they all do. In my Pokemon Y game, me and a sister thought it would be funny to name every eevee we caught and bred to have a "D" name. And we have 50+ eevees (counting the evolved ones)... I have at least two boxes full of them, now getting up to three.

      Fun fact - Dopey is actually OLDER then everyone else in this picture. He is just over due for a growth spurt. Die is also a triplet, the younger two being Dye (Female artist) and Diy (boy singer). They are known as "Die Dye Diy".

  6. Replies
    1. At the moment, probably too many to count. Hang on, I'll try to name some of them...

      Discord, Dax, Dash, Dora, Dina, DJ, Diana, David, Duncan, Doctor, Dawn, Disco, Dogma, De, Decker, Desmond, Diamond, Dizzy, Daze, Draco, Drummer, Dayo...

      ... Can't remember the rest. If I did, it'll take too long to name the rest of them! (But it's enough to make a small army)

  7. "when life gives u lemons cut them in half and squirt life in the eye!"
