Thursday, September 10, 2015

An... "Interesting" holiday

Hello, people. So... quick life update, I guess we should call it. I'm going on a four-five day holiday (Not vacation, because It only takes two hours to get there) to watch boring cars race around in the bush for hours on end.

... I wont even start how boring that should get.

But I have my 2DS, playing Pokemon, Mystery dungeon Explorers of time/ Gates to infinity, Fantasy Life... Y'know what, let's just say most Nintendo games I just happen to own.

If I get round to it, I'll make sure to draw a comic, or a picture for you guys! (Because, I just happen to be a "Digiartist" and stuff)

"If I get time (or if I stop being lazy) I'll try to post something, but don't get your hopes up. I leave in twenty minutes or so when I post this, (Today is Thursday for me so I'll be back round about Monday)

I'll update as soon as possible, but right now look forward to the Guest Post coming either later tonight or tomorrow.

Thanks for reading, see you on the other side of the screen in words!


  1. Hi Applestorm's dad! I think.. How are you? I'm an Aussie liek you :P Halloo!

  2. Loppio... I, am your father...

    Who just happens to live on the far side of Australia!

    1. HEHEHE.

      Patience, young Vamparoo!

      (BTW, cars driving around? Are you going on a ROAD TRIP?)

    2. Wuuuuuuut?! You hacked into Applestorm's account! I am dissapointed! Applestorm is a laydee! Orr is she?!

    3. Don't worry, I'm AppleStorm's father. I technically have the right to hack and comment to her friends (which has never happened till this point, and probably never will again)

    4. The real AppleStorm here - Yes, he actually does... and it's true. No need to have a rampage about it.

      And if sitting on camp seats beside a road watching rally cars kick up dust into my face, then yes. That would be a "Road trip". But I prefer the ones where you can kick back with your pillow and sing really badly to rock music with your family for ten hours!

    5. Ow. Does that mean I'm related to you? (:o Ooooh.

    6. Well, it's nice to meet you Mister Applestorm. Feel free to comment on ym comments if Applestorm says so. have the right to? Uh...
      I'll get back to you. And say hi to your wife for me!

  3. Out in the bush, in dust and heat, we're watching race cars in our makeshift seats.

    For hours and hours until the sun goes down, we'll stay right here hoping to get away back to town.

    1. Good!
      Here your viewers will wait, feeding on your Evee comic bait.

      We will wait patiently for your return, and keeping ourselves occupied will be a lesson learned.

      ...Yeah, too deep.
