Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Bk2 Ch.5 Dungeons and creatures - part1

Early the next morning, Ruby got up, and out of bed. It took her a minute to realize where she was, and why. She breathed deeply before doing anything else.

Ruby: Time to get moving again, I guess...

She walked over and kicked Midnight's bed. He didn't move. She kick again, this time, Midnight sat bolt upright, alert.


He fell out of bed. She prodded her foot at him.

Midnight: ... I'm awake.

Ruby: Good. We're leaving in fifteen minutes - we have to keep moving!

Midnight: But we're safe here! What's the rush, red?

Ruby: Have you forgotten? Hundreds of Vampires are being captured and killed by the hour. We can't waste any more time then we have too.

Midnight: Ah... yeah, I did forget, actually.

Ruby: ... Wake the others up. That's an order.

She left the room, leaving Midnight with the others (who were still sleeping). Something landed on his shoulder, which seemed to be Fang.

Fang: Good morning, Midnight. Had some nice nightmares?

Midnight: Yeah. Stealing Sunshine's key necklace thing.

Fang: Do you know why?

Midnight: Yeah, because I actually did last night.

Fang: Wow! But do you think that's a good idea?

Midnight: What do you mean, "good idea"?

Fang: Well... the last time you stole a girls item, she went on a murderous rampage, and would've probably done some serious damage if you hadn't given it back.

Midnight: Yes, well... Sunshine isn't a scary emo with anger issues.

Fang: ... Ok, I'll have to agree with that, but just be careful.

Midnight: No promises. Oh, and Fang...?

Fang: Yes?

Midnight: Wake the others up for me, will you?

Fang: Sure!

Fang jumped down from his shoulder and scurried into Ruby's bag. Midnight left the room, and was greeted by one of the younger of the sisters.

Xoco: Hello, child. Had a nice rest?

Midnight: I guess.

Xoco: If you wish, there is some breakfast on the table for you to have.

Midnight: I'll keep that in mind.

Suddenly, there was a burst of light, and smoke started to drift into the hallway. Sunshine screamed and dashed out of the spare bedroom. Sapphire followed close behind with Ruby's bag.

Sapphire: THAT CURSED SPIDER!!! He set the room on fire! Probably with one of Ruby's potions, as well!

Ruby appeared from the dinning room, eyes flaring. Fang sped through the house, fire coming from his small mouth. The elder sister came with a water bucket and tipped it over him. Fang became surrounded by steam, which suggested that the effects wore off.

Ruby: FANG! What in the name of the Vampire Lord WERE YOU THINKING?!

Fang: Waking up the others so that we may continue our journey?.

Ruby: But with fire? That was just stupid!

Fang: Yeah, but I did wake them up!

Ruby: You could have easily burned them! And-... Midnight, did you set him up to the task?

Midnight: No, he did it from his own free will. I had nothing to do with it.

Ruby: Yeah, a likely story. I can see through your lies, Midnight.

Midnight: I beg to differ.

Ruby: ... I'll have a word with you later. But right now, let's just have breakfast so we can get going.

Sunshine gave a sigh of relief as she followed Ruby into the dinning room to eat breakfast. Sapphire picked up Fang, and followed close behind. Midnight shook his head and went outside.

After the others finished their quick breakfast, Sapphire found him under a nearby tree. She walked over to him, unsure of what he was doing.

Sapphire: Hi, blacky. What are you doing?

Midnight: None of your business.

Sapphire: ... Ah. Brooding I see.

She turned around and started to head towards the front of the cottage.

Sapphire: Well don't over do it! It 'aint healthy! Oh, and we're leaving. If you don't want to get left behind, I suggest you hurry up.

Midnight rolled his eyes and followed Sapphire to the front of the house. They saw Ruby and Sunshine waiting, ready to go. Barak flew down from the roof of the house.

Ruby: About time. Now let's go before something else catches on fire!

Barak: Surrah... (Sorry...)

Ruby: Not you, Barak. You didn't do anything wrong.

Midnight: Again, not my fault.

Ruby: It actually is, but I'll ignore that for now.

Ruby opened the map, and found where they were. She pointed over the trees to a hill, that had a ruined tower on top.

Ruby: We have to aim for that ruined tower over the forest covered hills. Dark Sun mountain should only be a few more days travel if we take that shortcut.

Sunshine: ... That tower... you mean, the tower over there?

Ruby: Is there a problem?

Sunshine nodded her head as she continued to look into the distance.

Sunshine: I heard a rumor that there is a terrible beast that guards some sort of treasure there.

Sapphire: Don't worry, unless it rains, I doubt we'll have any reason to-... where's Midnight?

Barak: Um... I think...

The Dragon pointed towards the direction they were going, and saw Midnight, running as fast as he could towards the ruined tower.

Ruby: Oh, that blooming thief... MIDNIGHT! GET BACK HERE!!!

But the cheetah just sped on. Ruby gave chase, with Sapphire and Mora on her heels. Sunshine, desperate, followed them through the forest. The sisters looked on in amusement as they vanished from sight.

Kaya: Xoco? Do you think they'll find out whether...-

Xoco: I'm sure in due time. But right now, let's just trust the prophecy.

Kaya: But I'm worried... what will happen if-

Xoco: We both know very well it will. We couldn't do anything to prepare, or warn them.

Kaya: Perhaps not... but I would've felt better.

Xoco: Would you rather us be driven out forever?

Kaya: You know that's not what I meant. But they are just children... hardly adolescents, I shouldn't wonder.

Xoco: But they have strong spirits. They'll make it.

Kaya: But the UnMythic girl... what will happen to her?

Xoco: ... Trust the prophecy.

The elder sister remained silent, as they started on into the forest.


  1. But wait, where WERE they?! I don't remember why they were with them wolf sisters.

    1. Four posts ago (See Bk2 Ch.4 Midnight escape - part2)

      ... I know it was a long time ago, but I was on holidays. Short as it was, I couldn't write anything.

  2. I still cant comment on any of Epet's blogs. I think she forgot I'm still here XD. True dat because I'm barely on... ;P -D6
