Monday, September 21, 2015

Bk2 Ch.5 Dungeons and creatures - part2

Barak charged ahead of Ruby, and caught up to Midnight. Not aware of the fact that the others were getting a little far behind.

Barak: Uh, Midnight? Don't you think you should stop and let the others catch up? We're getting ahead by a lot...

Midnight: Don't bother with the others - treasure is on my mind!

Barak: But shouldn't we stick together as a team?

Midnight: Forget that. Just a little closer!

Barak: But... Ruby-

Midnight got a burst of cheetah speed, and raced on, leaving Barak behind. He gave up and hopped his way back to the others, who were still trudging up the hill.

Barak: He seems focused on getting to the tower. I can't even make him look at me!

Ruby: Then grab his tail and drag him back here! And fast! My feet still haven't fully recovered.

Barak started to charge back up to Midnight, but couldn't see him anywhere. He stop, dumbfounded, as the others caught up to him. Ruby looked around, confused.

Ruby: ... Where is he?

Barak: I was pretty sure he was just here...

Sapphire: Wonderful - the last thing we need is to waste time finding him.

Sapphire began to take a few steps forward, but Barak quickly pulled her back.

Sapphire: Ow! Barak, what did you do that-

She saw something odd in the grass up ahead. She got on all fours, and crept closer to it with Mora. When they got to it, they looked down, only to see a hole, where they guessed Midnight used to be.

Sapphire: ... MIDNIGHT! Are you down there?

There was no answer. Mora circled the place, restless.


Midnight groaned, not quite sure where he was. He put his paw to his head, only to find it slightly bleeding. He slowly got up, and looked around him.

Midnight: ... I seem to be in a dark cave...

He looked up, to see a hole that appeared to lead back into the outside world. Sounds seemed to be coming from up there, but his brain was still too fuzzy to make them out.

Sapphire: (above) Midnight! Can you hear me?

Midnight: WHAT?! I'm afraid you're gonna have to speak up!

Sapphire: (above): Oh, good start! He's alive.


Midnight: I said speak up, not yell!

Barak: (above) Are you alright?

Midnight: Could be worse!

Ruby: (above) That doesn't answer my question, blacky.

Midnight: Hang on, I'll try to find a way out... You lot stay here.

Sunshine: (above) Hey, don't you dare wander off! It isn't fair to the rest of us!

Midnight ignored them and started to carefully explore his now dark underground prison. 

Midnight: There doesn't seem to be an exit anywhere...

He continued going in deeper, hearing rumbling sounds far off.

Meanwhile, the others were deciding what to do.

Sunshine: What do we do?

Ruby: Well, we have the option of leaving him, or wait for him to die down there.

Sunshine: That's horrible!

Ruby: Well, it's not like Fang can do anything for him. It's far too dangerous to go down there ourselves, and if Barak was to clear a way for us, the cave might fall down on top of Midnight!

Sapphire: So... we're leaving him?

Ruby: Can you think of anything else?

Sapphire: Yes. Mora, go off and find Midnight - on the double!

The blood hound yipped and scurried down the hole. 

Sunshine: So... we lost our only tracker, for him.

Sapphire: Yeah. Being nice has it's drawbacks.

Ruby: Meanwhile, I still think we should continue. That's what Midnight would do, after all.

Sapphire: So your basically playing by the thieves "rules".

Ruby: I never said that!

Sapphire: "When someone gets caught, or left behind, you go on without them".

Ruby: ... Fine! We wait for fifteen minutes. Barak, please scout ahead.

Barak: Ok!

The green Dragon happily skipped up the hill, and (without knowing it) hummed an ancient Dragon war song.


  1. I never knew dragons could hum. :S

    1. I guess to them it's a hum, but to anyone hearing it's just low growling, but in a nice way.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Lyrics, possibly?

    The great land of myths and legends~
    came to a stop when they came here
    trying to destroy our villages~
    steal our babies
    kill our love

    we would not tolerate~ this
    we would fight back
    by helping those who we lived next with
    we tried our best
    never to fail

    hopefully they will disappear
    and leave us alone~
    we made a deal that was broken
    and we were undone~

    Cry~ to the sky and hope shattered with faith~!

  3. Snowflake: Hello! I'm suppose to come and comment for some reason... I think a partyish? Sooo.


  4. Sorry Applestorm but uhh. It's been 7 days already and I haven't made anything yet.. I was gonna make something, but I can't finish it on time. Please give me 1 more day to finish what I'm doing. Please.

    From some random Aussie that you're somehow strangely sisters with, me.
