Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Bk2 Ch.4 Midnight escape - part2

Before the bomb went off, a huge light beam pushed it away into the forest. They all looked up to see who did that, but only saw the cloudy sky. Without wasting any time, Barak took care of the rest of the UnMythics. Ruby quickly got up, and started dragging Midnight back to the trapdoor.

Midnight: Uh, why are we going back underground?

Ruby: We need to get out of here, and the forest and plains are too dangerous at this time.

Sapphire and Mora came out of the cottage and followed close behind with Barak.

Sapphire: Ok, who wants to make a guess on who, or what did that? That pretty much saved Midnight's life!

Midnight: Shut up... 

Ruby: It doesn't matter right now - we need to get out of here, before they come back!

The trapdoor opened, showing Citrine underneath, obviously excited.

Citrine: It's just like the game Escape when we were kids! I remember Sapphire always having trouble trying to find our tunnels...

Ruby: This is no game! Can you get Digger and Duggar to show us a passageway away from here?

They all jumped down to the stairs and slowly made their way back to everyone else. Sunshine surprised at their return, got up.

Sunshine: Oh, hi! Uh... what are you doing back here?

Midnight: Just escaped a bunch of armed UnMythics. Nothing that special.

Sunshine: Oh, good. It'd be an awful shame if something were to happen... to you. Us.

Sapphire: ... Ok, not awkward or weird in any way... Now let's go! We need a safe place to rest, because we can't just keep doing this! We'll eventually fall down from exhaustion at this point.

Ruby: I guess, but that will have to wait.

Citrine: Hey, Driller duo!

The brothers appeared from the shadows, and saluted to Citrine.

Duggar: Yes, Citrine. What can we do for you?

Citrine: These fine young heroes need your help finding a tunnel out of this area. Guaranteed to be dangerous and life risking, but it's all for the sake of stopping this silly war! Go forth, make us proud, and say goodbye to your mother before you go. This may be the last time you see her, vise versa.

The tiger team saluted again before hugging a nearby white tiger.

Diana (white tiger): Stop hugging me - you've got a job to do!

Digger and Duggar: Yes, ma'm!

The duo motioned to the gang to follow them down a tunnel. The dogs barked in encouragement to Mora, while the other animals cheered the vampires on as they walked into the darkness with their guides.

After walking down twisted tunnels and passageways, they surfaced up back to the forest.

Digger: There should be a cottage south-east from here. You'll find two sisters, who should be able to give you some safety for the night.

Duggar: This is as far as we'll go. The rest is up to you folk. 

Ruby: Thanks for showing us the way.

Digger: It's the least we could do! Please send our regard to the sisters.

Sapphire: If we don't forget, sure.

 They crept out into the forest, making sure no UnMythics were about. They started traveling again. It wasn't far now until they got to safety.

Fang: How do you know that?

Narrator: Does being an old Dragon make me smart?

Fang: ... Ok, I can believe that. Does that mean I can have sandwiches when we get there?

Narrator: I'll let them know.

Ruby: Fang, stop talking to thin air. I'm mad as I am already... In fact, I can hear a distant voice at the back of my head...

Fang: No, you don't. That's just your subconscious telling you to sleep.

Sapphire: So you say.

Sunshine: I'm starting to question the spiders sanity...

They continued walking for a while, until they came across a old run down hut covered by trees and plants. Ruby knocked on the door, and a elderly wolf appeared, not surprised to see them.

Kaya (light blue wolf): Come in, children. We were hoping to get some visitors today.

They gladly came in, and another wolf came in from another room, with a big pot of soup ready for them.

Xoco (blue wolf): I've got some warm veggie soup for you kids. Eat up, and then go to bed. It's been a busy night for you.

Everyone except Midnight started eating. The older of the sisters sat down next to him.

Kaya: What's wrong, child? Not hungry?

Midnight: Not really, no. Gives me a stomach ache just thinking about it.

Kaya: Why?

Midnight: ... Reminds me of my early childhood. More specifically, a sister.

Sunshine quickly looked up, scared curiosity in her eyes.

Kaya: Would you like to talk about it, young kit?

Midnight: ... No.

Kaya: ... Ok. If you feel uncomfortable about it, you don't have to tell. Get some rest, though.

Xoco led Midnight out of the room, into a spare bedroom. He landed in one of the beds, not listening to anything. The others soon followed him.

But after everything was quiet, a figure crept outside, and into the forest. She turned on a strange device, and breathed heavily.

Sunshine: ... I'm not sure, but... I think I've found him. 


  1. Does Sunshine know Midnight's "friends" or family? oWo

    1. Maybe, maybe not... ok, don't ask me! I don't know either! (I should start thinking ahead more in this...)

    2. It was a retorical question :3

  2. Aha! I knew Midnight and Sunshine were related in some way! I knew it! >:0

    1. Guest post might be coming out soon. If I approve and think it's good enough, it'll become cannon later on in this book! :)
