Thursday, September 24, 2015

Undercover Vamparoo's Anniversary


... To the blog.

You knew this was coming eventually! The Anniversary of Undercover Vamparoo is here!

These pictures took me hours of careful work and patience, so I hope you lot of pirates enjoy them!

I hope you take Sunshine's advice - stay forever, but with the likely chances of getting bored. So bring cake!

Ruby: Keep out of trouble and listen to your elders.

Sapphire: Party on and hug small animals!

Midnight: Where there's loot to be stolen, I would've already done it!

Sunshine: As the newest member of the main cast, I look forward to adventuring with these mad Vampires!

Fang: I love sandwiches!

Barak: And may the force be with you

Uh, wrong movie Barak...



  1. Yaaaaay! Years to come? I hope so (practically every other plushie blog I know has quit)

    1. The top 5 pictures look very cute and clean.. I am a very naughty Aussie who stays up at night to do important buisiness.

  2. Hey where are the replies and other comments? I feel lonely :( Applestorm, it's the holidays, so answer peoples comments.. What happened to the other people?

  3. @ Loppio:
    I view blogs right away (for the most part), but I comment later.

    @ Applestorm:
    Oh my gosh, I love that shading and lighting in those drawings! And their outfits! :0 I always thought Midnight had black-purple eyes due to something Epet posted about Midnight..? Gah, the messages are cute too! ;v;

    1. Originally, I wanted Midnight to have purple eyes... but it just kinda blended in with his dark jumper and fur, so I changed it to a sweet chocolate brown with a golden edge.

      @Loppio: I still have to do school until... well, I don't know when. Until my teacher tells me I have the rest of the year off.

      Also, glad you like the pictures! Maybe next year I wont be using my Pokemon Art Academy game to paint pictures, but we'll just wait and see. :)

  4. I haven't commented on any of ur other drawing post (TOO MUCH WOOORK ;A;) but just so u know i think ur drawing are AWESOME :D

  5. LOVE LOVE LOVE The Star Wars reference!

    ...What, you didn't know I was a fan? Thank my dad, you can.

    Anyways, BEAUTIFUL PICS! You're a great artist!

    `B.t r7VÏ e2HP W 1G= iE @ y7Nj2 iT 1Gp7ViV1x%P 2P `B jzGÊ ft#iV jzJiE `C j1N--- Oh, sorry! I'm talking in 8-bit elvish.

    What, you didn't know I'm an LOTR fan too?
