Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Bk2 Ch.6 Separated -part1

Ruby and Co. started travelling up the mountain. Fang caught up with the team as they stopped to look at the view.

Ruby: You can tell how serious it is when you see the Ultimate Weapon just over the yonder.

Sapphire: Yeah, and it looks like it's slowly making it's way over to us...

Suddenly, clouds started drifting in from the yonder.

Midnight: If I didn't know better, I'd say it'll rain pretty soon.

Sunshine: Then lets find some shelter, and fast!

Ruby: I guess we should stop and have something to eat.

Barak (who had just shakily flown ahead) came pounding down the path towards them.

Barak: There's a cave up ahead!

Ruby: Ok, then let's go.

Sunshine: Yes, please...

They scrambled up the path, and into the cave. Barak stayed outside, waiting for the rain to come. Sunshine gave a sigh of relief and sat down.

Sapphire: Something wrong with crazy weather?

Sunshine: No, it's just that I don't like water all that much.

Sapphire: Honestly... you cats.

Midnight: Hey, I happen to like sky water!

Barak: It's called rain.

Midnight: ... I think it's only because I had to swim in murky sewers as a kit.

Sapphire: Fascinating. So we learn the amazing Midnight actually learned a useful skill in life!

Midnight: Is that suppose to mean my talent as a thief doesn't count?

Sapphire: Don't make me laugh! I bet you can't even take candy from a baby!

Barak quickly zoomed off to somewhere more peaceful, while Mora covered her ears.

Midnight: I did that all the time when I was barely a novice!

Sapphire: Sure you did, and I bet you visited the fang fairy while you were at it!

Ruby: STOP IT - you two are bickering like little kids! What am I, the adult here?

Midnight: Oh, very mature! Mother Ruby will make everything all bet-

Ruby: I've had enough! Midnight, do something useful and go off to find something edible! Sapphire, go find Barak. Your fighting scared him off.

Sapphire and Midnight tried to hide their laughter and hatred for each other as they left the cave and into the rain.

Sapphire: (chuckling) Mother Ruby... nice one, Lucky. Totally describes her.


Sapphire headed uphill, while Midnight went further down. Mora sighed, circled around three times, and lay down to take a nap.

Sunshine: ... What was all that about?

Ruby: I honestly have no idea. They seem to have heated arguments every now and then. I don't know whether that strengthens or weakens their bond with each other...

Fang: They get back to normal after an hour or so - no one can stay angry at someone they're close to for long.

Ruby dug into her bag, pulled out the map Grandma packed, and started planning their route across the mountains.


Midnight was searching through the bushes, trying to find anything to eat.

Midnight: Ruby can't take a joke... we were just teasing each other - nothing serious.

A bang sounded, and something hit him in the tail. He yelled, jumped back and dropped what he was doing.

???: Your under arrest for being a Vampire!

Midnight: That's a bit racist, don't you think?

???: DON'T PLAY SMART GUY AT ME!!! Now hold still, and everything will be easier for the rest of us!

Midnight: Of course... You'll have to unalive me first!

???: Unalive him... what does that-

???: It means kill him, knucklehead. Very well, so be it!

Guns started firing at Midnight, and he shielded his face with his arm. A few bullets hit him as he started to dash backwards up the mountain.

???: AFTER HIM!!!

UnMythic soldiers started coming out of the bush by the dozen. Midnight continued to scurry up the hill. More gunfire, this time one of them hit his foot, which made him trip.

UnMythic Commander: We got him now, boys!

???: And girls!

UnMythic Commander: QUIET IN THE RANKS!!!

The UnMythics surrounded Midnight, and pointed their guns at him.


  1. Maybe it's also that orange fox theif, she might make another appearence.

  2. Ooh, intense! Really like that ending! The upcoming violence.. (I think at least XD).. yes, yes, yes!!! >:3
