Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Bk2 Ch.6 Separated -part4

Ruby dashed out into the rain, and easily caught up with Midnight. Barak swiftly flew out of the cave, and down the mountain towards the UnMythics. Sapphire ran up to Ruby, and shoved her forwards.

Sapphire: Go! Barak's creating a distraction, so I'll ensure your getaway! Now don't argue, and hurry up!

Ruby nodded and started dragging Midnight up the hill. Sapphire quickly pulled out a cinnamon bomb, and headed down the hill after Barak.

Sapphire: BARAK! Uh... HIT THE SKY!

Barak flew up to the clouds, as Sapphire through the bomb at the UnMythics coming up the hill. She started to run back up,when the grenade went off. A thick orange cloud covered the area around the mountain path, as the UnMythics tried to navigate their way through it.

Sapphire: Barak, please go make yourself useful and guide Ruby and Midnight off the main path.

Barak: Ok!

Barak zoomed off, while Sapphire sprinted off after him.

Sapphire: Hopefully this plan will work...

Sapphire turned a corner, almost fell down, and continued running.


(Please note that when "Echo" Is speaking, only Fang, Barak, and Mora can understand)

Meanwhile, Fang was being jostled around in Ruby's bag as she continued to hurry Midnight up.

Fang: That's it! I'm walking.

Fang sneakily jumped out of Ruby's bag, and landed on the strange messenger bat.

Fang: Uh... hello, Mr. Bat.

Echo (bat): You're with the red and the black, correct?

Fang: Ruby and Midnight? Yeah. I'm the most important member of their team!

Echo: Cool! I'd really appreciate it if you'd get them to come with me!

Fang jumped down from the bat and started walking alongside it.

Fang: Why?

Echo: My master needs help, before them nasty creatures called "UnMythics" do something bad!

Fang: Who is your "master"?

Echo: ... What?

Fang: Who is your master? Why is he-... she... important?

Echo: ... I don't get it.

Fang: What's wrong with you?

Echo: I need to feed of off your confusion!

Fang: Uh...

Echo: Just kidding! Or am I?

Fang: ... RUBY! The bat's confusing my brain!

Ruby: That's nice. I didn't know you had one!

Fang: You're not listening to me!

Ruby: How are you holding up, Midnight?

Midnight: I'm still walking.

Barak suddenly zoomed in front of Ruby and Midnight, and roughly landed.

Barak: Hello! The distraction's working, and Sapphire ordered me to lead you off the main path. So... what are we waiting?

Ruby: Uh-

Barak: Follow me!

Barak started leaping off the path before Ruby could do anything. 

Midnight: Come on, couldn't hurt to detour!

Ruby sighed and started to follow the green Dragon.