Friday, October 9, 2015

Bk2 Ch.6 Separated -part2

A loud growl sounded above Midnight and the UnMythics. They looked up, and saw a huge light beam shoot down towards them. Midnight shielded his face and waited for the blast, but he felt nothing.

Barak: It's ok! You're safe now.

Midnight looked up, surprised. He saw soldiers scattered around as he got up.

Midnight: Ok, that's nice and all, but how did you know I was in danger?

Barak: Uh... well... looked into the future?

Midnight: Aren't you a little young to be able to do that?

Barak: ... Maybe?

Midnight: Well, never mind. Let's get out of here before they start shooting at me again!

Barak grabbed hold of Midnight and started to hover above the ground. They started a slow trip up the mountain.

Midnight: ... Can't you go any faster, oh dragon champion?

Barak: Sorry! Wings are still recovering...

Midnight: I'll just have to walk then - it'll be quicker.

Midnight twisted his way out of Barak's grasp, and landed with a thud on the ground. He winced in pain and tried to walk.

Barak: ... Are you sure this is better?

Midnight: Yes. Shut up.

Barak sighed and raced on ahead, leaving Midnight to himself.

Midnight: Great... our hero left a poor hurt cheetah to himself, alone with UnMythics with weapons close by.

Like lightning, Barak came back with Ruby.

Ruby: What on earth happened to you?

Midnight: Oh, nothing much. Few guns got shot at me, maybe a sprained leg... just a normal day at war.

Ruby: Barak, help me drag him up the hill! He needs first aid fast!

Barak: Ok!

Barak got hold of Midnight's shoulders and started pulling him up the hill.

UnMythic Commander: DON'T LET THEM ESCAPE!!!

Guns started firing again, and Ruby ducked behind some rocks with Midnight. Barak fired off another light beam, aimed right at what appeared to be their leader.

Ruby: Stay here, and don't even think about moving!

Midnight: It's not like I can.

Ruby made a dash up the hill while Barak distracted the UnMythics. When she got back to the cave, she made a dive for her bag. She pulled out a bright fire red potion, and dashed back down.

Ruby:  Let's hope this works!

She took a drink, and within seconds she started breathing fire. She dashed towards the UnMythics, who quickly backed into the forest.

UnMythic Commander: RETREAT! A petty Vampire we can handle, but Dragons and FIRE BREATHING Vampires we can't!

The soldiers vanished into the undergrowth, making their escape.

Ruby: (through fire) GOOD! Now pour some water into my mouth!

Barak thought for a moment before flying up into the clouds. Like a bucket of water, the rain streamed down into Ruby's mouth and put out the fire. Ruby choked and spluttered as Barak came back down.

Ruby: (coughing) I didn't say a lake!

Barak: Sorry!

Ruby: It's ok... At least I didn't drown.

Midnight: Yeah, it would've been an awful shame if the Dragon Champion's master died!

Ruby: Be quiet, Midnight. Let's get out of here before they get backup!

Barak started to help push Midnight up the hill with Ruby. Thunder started to sound in the distance, and the rain began to get heavier.


  1. I can't imagine a vamparoo brathing fire, I can imagine a Fang, but not a Ruby or a Saphire (or Topaz or those other gems I horribly forgot) Azelite?

    1. Kunzite? Probably not. But if you could do ANYTHING with potions, you have to at least make some sort of weapon out of it! Whether it's for you or the enemy!

    2. Just throw the potion AT the enemy..
