Saturday, October 3, 2015

Hiding from the UnMythics

Hello people! Remember a time when Sapphire, Midnight, Barak and your favorite mutt were hiding in the tree tops? Yes? No? Maybe...? Anyway. Here's the picture!

I've had this for quite a while, but only now do I decide to share this with you.

... I hate drawing trees. But, at least it wasn't water!


  1. Where's Mora? And I really can't believe Barak could carry Ruby o-o Still, nice picture.

    1. I originally forgot to draw her, but lets pretend she fell out of the tree.

      Dragons are pretty strong, even as babies. And since Barak is the "Dragon Champion", he could fly a few seconds after he hatched. So I guess it's no surprise he could lift a teenage Vampire.

    2. I don't even remember how heavy kangaroos are even though I'm Aussie.. Well, Mora fell out of the tree, that's bad isn't it? An Un-Mythic could see it, then look up and catch the vampires. Mora is a dog though, most dogs don't climb trees. Poor Mora :(

    3. That's Midnight staring at a yapping Mora, trying to signal her to be quiet. Sapphire is a little worried, so she's sorta getting ready to jump off (sorta) Baraks just like: "Hehe, Naa Na"

    4. The average kangaroo weight is 200 pounds.
      ...Well, Barak IS a dragon.
      Like my Toofwiss from HTTYD!

  2. Cool! :D

    Haha, I hate drawing trees too. X3
