Thursday, October 15, 2015

One the other side of the island...

Kindly keep in mind this has NOTHING to do with the main story. I just haven't been getting a lot of inspiration lately, but I don't want you guys to remain bored for long. Thank you for taking notice!


Far away, on another part of the island, five UnMythic kids were hanging around Golden Forests school, talking about recent events.

Buttercup (orange koala): Hard to believe that Vampires do exist, after everything any of us have been taught.

Rocky (black arctic wolf): Yeah, I've just treated it like some kind of far off fantasy. Just to scare kids on a camping trip!

Mandy (white fox): Well, I may have kinda believe they existed... just a bit...

Lily (purple tiger): Although its no surprise if you think about it. They had to hide to survive - just ordinary life for them.

Rocky: I guess, but even if the Seven thirty News said so, I still find it hard to digest.

Manic (black wolf): Why? That means all those history books we were forced to look up on were right! It wasn't a waste of time!

Lily: We could've been doing something useful, but I agree. If any try to attack us, we can at least be prepared.

Mandy: Why would they? I think they can be friendly...

Rocky: They have weapons in their mouth - who wouldn't use them if they had some?

Mandy: I bet Sapphire would...

Buttercup: Speaking of Sapphire, has anyone seen her for the past few weeks?

Manic: Nope. Don't think I've seen Miss Attitude for a while.

Lily: Neither have I. She hasn't appeared in classes for some time... Not that I mind, of course.

Mandy: Aw, come on! She wasn't that bad...

Buttercup: To you. You were the closest to her!

Mandy: Yes, but when that new kid... Uh...

Buttercup: Ruby, I think her name was. A gem, anyway.

Mandy: -When Ruby arrived, Sapphire first ignored her. Then after a week, they were like the best of friends, along with that cheetah...

Lily: I never paid much attention to that. Although I will never forgive that blasted black cat for stealing my valuable silver ring...

Manic: What do you think could've happened to those guys, anyway?

Lily: I honestly can't think of a logical answer. But Mrs. Diamondeye hasn't had much of a rest since her daughter disappeared.

Manic: I think that would've done her a favor - not having to look after that bratty bluebell anymore.

Mandy: She just wanted to be noticed, is all...

Just then, a teacher appeared in the doorway, looking very stern.

Mrs. Redleaf (red panda): We do not talk about lost students like that, Mister Lightningclaw. Losing someone you love can be very hard! And what are you kids doing out here? Get back inside where it's safe!

Everyone: Yes, Mrs. Redleaf.

They marched back inside, and out of the warm bight sunshine.


  1. Oohh kay? Inspiration: Explosions. Someone gets poisened. Someone gets hallucinations. Midnight and Sapphire switch bodies/minds (cuz of Mew or whatever her name was..)

    1. I know where I want to go - I just don't know how to get there! Although, I guarantee explosions will come to play! :)

    2. Yay! Well, I dunno how your gonna do this, but tell me where you wanna go. For instance, they wanna go somewhere or um.. I dunno. You don't have to though, I'll help you find a way to being these guys to your world of EXPLOSHUNZ (for all ourr sakes)

  2. Oh, we can finally see the GFS kids! Thanks, Sparkle Arcticgirl (Applestorm)!
