Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Bk2 Ch.7 Sapphire's plan -part2

Barak's vision was black. It felt like he was flying in emptiness, and heard faint blurred sounds. But he couldn't make sense of it.

???: WAKE UP!!!

Barak snapped out of his dreamless sleep. He saw Sapphire standing over him, a little frustrated.

Sapphire: About time, Barak. I know your brain cells are probably having a hard time trying to figure this out, but hurry up and blast a hole upwards.

Barak: W-... What? Sorry, I can't hear you...

Sapphire: Then read. My. Lips! Hyper shot, skyward. NOW.

Barak shook his head, trying to clear his hearing and vision. He noticed something in a far corner of the room they were in.

Barak: ... Who's the creature over there?

Sapphire: I'm sorry, but unlike you, I don't have night vision.

Barak blinked, and shot a light beam towards where he thought was up.

Sapphire: Watch where your shooting, Dragon boy!

Barak: I thought that was up...

Sapphire: Good grief, you only got a tiny knock on your head.

???: It was more then just a "Mere knock", Sapphire. Have some sympathy!

Sapphire sighed as the hidden Vampire in the cell came out of the shadows.

Sapphire: I should've known you would've gotten caught, Sunshine. How long have you been here, exactly?

Sunshine: A day.

Sapphire: Yeah, I guessed- Did you say A DAY?! But... you were with us this morning!

Sunshine: No I wasn't! ... Wait... that can only mean...

Barak: Give me a minute... the room is still swirling.

Sunshine: ... I've been copied.


... Ok, You probably saw that a mile away. But-

Get on with it, Narrator!

-... On with the story!


Meanwhile, Ruby and Midnight trudged through the mountain, getting closer to their destination. Suddenly, Sunshine came racing up from behind them.

Sunshine: Guys! Wait up!

Ruby: Sunshine! Where were you? You weren't in the cave when I came back with Midnight!

Sunshine: Uh... Some guards were coming, so I ran as fast as I could to somewhere safer. I managed to catch up to you, though.

Ruby: Well, I guess it's good you didn't get captured. I'm not sure about Sapphire and Barak though, but we'll just hope we'll meet up soon.

Sunshine: Where are... Sapphire and Barak?

Ruby: Barak said Sapphire - who was causing a distraction for us to escape - was in trouble and flew to rescue her.

Sunshine: Oh no... If they get caught, that's...

Midnight: Yeah, well Barak can get her out. But they'd better come back alive.

Sunshine drifted from them and slid down the mountain and out of sight.

Midnight: ... Suspicious.

Ruby: No, she's been doing that a lot. For whatever reason I don't know, but we need her.

Midnight grumbled but continued walking. Explosions sounded far off in the distance as they kept moving forward.

Midnight: ... I'm hungry.

Ruby: Well too bad. We're not stopping for a lunch break, even if you are injured.

Midnight: War is stupid... Because of it, I can't even eat a sandwich.


Midnight: You can't have one!

Fang: ...

Fang was about to jump into Ruby's bag, when a burst of bright lights started flashing behind them.

Ruby: ... That looks like Barak's fire!

Midnight: Great, that means they probably both got caught and are now making an attempt to escape by making a lot of noise. Ha, amateurs!

Ruby: I bet they'll do a better job at escaping than you.

Midnight: I bet they don't get out at all!

Ruby: Let's wait and see, Mr. Negative.

They looked at the smoke starting to rise above the rain, hoping they would get reunited with their friends.


  1. One thing that they should worry about more than anything: Who is the actual copy and who is the actual real? Sometimes I wander too much from scenes, but I was thinking if the Sunshine in the jail was the fake, how would the story end up? Hmm...
