Saturday, October 10, 2015

Fang wants a hug

Good day, folks. So... I recently got a drawing pad for my laptop, and with it a new art program besides my "Pokemon Art Academy" game. I'm still trying to tame it, but I drew this because... well, because I could and would.



Did you know Fang is based off of a Ceratinopsidis formosa? (say that five times in a row) And if you look at his back and head, he'll have a similar (but not quite) pattern to a Red back Spider.

... Ok, I'm guessing not many of you actually wanted to know that... but it's me were talking about. I like spiders! (It's the only reason why Fang is in Undercover Vamparoo at all! Or is he?!)


  1. Can you link me to this, "Pokemon Art Academy?"

    1. Oh, it's a D.S game I got a year or so ago... I think you can find it at your local game shop, or just buy one online. (only if you got a 3/2D.S)

      But if your fan of pokemon and love drawing, then I'd suggest PAA to you! It helps you, step by step, how to draw pokemon with many art syles!

    2. How do you upload the pictures though?

  2. Fang looks pretty cute here to be honest. :3

  3. AWWWWWWWW I WANT TO HUG HIM ^-^ ... but then i would probably squish him :(

  4. Fang looks AWESOME! And, I can't do it? I can barely say Ceratinopsidis Formosa once, let alone 5 times, IN A ROW.

  5. I would hug him!

    (*looks at eyes* Uh...maybe...not?)

    *pets him*
