Thursday, October 22, 2015

Bk2 Ch.7 Sapphire's plan -part1

Sapphire skidded to a halt, and strained to hear if the UnMythics were still chasing them.

Sapphire: ... They appeared to have managed to get past the distraction we set up for them. Curses! I so hoped they would work...

Sapphire suddenly had an idea. Whether it is good or not, will remain to be seen.


Barak was jumping from rock to rock as Ruby and Midnight followed him.

Midnight: I bet Barak has no idea where he's taking us...

Ruby: Don't make fun of Barak's intelligence. He's smart for a guy that's only just hatched!

Barak suddenly halted, and his eyes started to glow.

Midnight: Oh, he's just doing his thing.

Ruby: He can do many things. Define, "Thing".

Midnight: Looking into whoever eyes he's seeing through now.

Ruby: ... Ok, then...

Barak suddenly snapped back into reality, and leaped into the air.

Fang: Where are you going, kid?

Barak: Sapphire's in trouble! I'm going to save her! If you keep to the right, you'll eventually come across the next mountain!

Ruby: Don't get caught! That would be very bad for both of us. Losing you, and our greatest defense.

Barak: I wont!

Midnight: That won't stop the UnMythics from trying...

Barak zoomed off into the clouds. As he flew, he saw only the rocky landscape of paths, leading to nowhere. He noticed Sapphire fighting off UnMythics. He swooped down and knocked out a couple coming behind her.

Sapphire: Dragon boy, what on earth are you doing here?!

Barak: To my eyes, you needed saving!

Sapphire: Oh, what gave you that idea, champion of Dragons?

Barak: You are being attacked by a lot of UnMythics, the enemy, and seem to be losing quite badly.

Sapphire: I was being sarcastic... I don't need help!

Something hit Barak from behind. He crashed to the ground, and blacked out.


Sapphire kicked the soldier who knocked Barak out.

Sapphire: Ok, WHAT WAS THAT FOR?! He's just-

???: He's just the most dangerous thing next to the Vampires!

Sapphire spun around to see a very familiar face.

Sapphire: ... Do I know you?

Mr. Stonecloud (grey monkey): Don't you recognize me? Your old history teacher?

Sapphire stepped back, a little shocked.

Sapphire: I knew you hated Vampires, but... a commander?

Mr. Stonecloud: You should've been able to put the pieces together, but now you know. But what surprises me the most is...

The monkey pulled out a weapon, and shoved it near Sapphire's throat.

Mr. Stonecloud: ... I never knew you were working for the enemy. I'm a little disappointed in you, Sapphire DiamondEye.

Sapphire: I'm not. Their Vampire Lord probably doesn't know I even help m- them.

Mr. Stonecloud: Don't play with us, child. You can still come back to the good side - the right side!

Sapphire: Sorry, but I'm too far gone.

Just to prove her point, She kicked Stonecloud's legs, knocking him to the ground. She kick him again, before trying to drag Barak to somewhere else.

Mr. Stonecloud: Lock her up with the other. And send a message to Mrs. DiamondEye... We've found her lost daughter, and she'll be sent home as soon as possible.

Sapphire sighed and submitted. Soldiers led her downhill, with Barak being dragged behind. Apparently, her plan was working.