Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Bk2 Ch.6 Separated -part3

Meanwhile, Sapphire trudged down the mountain back to the cave. She noticed the rain starting to fall, and picked up the pace.

Sapphire: I wish Barak would stop running off just as I find him. It's getting frustrating...

As she got nearer to the cave, she heard yells of pain. She quickly dashed inside, only to see Ruby bandaging Midnight, with a few bullets on the floor.

Sapphire: ... Ok, what did I miss?

Midnight: Me almost dying.

Ruby: No bullets got into your internal organs, brain, or bones. You're fine!

Midnight: You call this fine?

Ruby: No, but it could be worst.

Sapphire: Ah.Well... I'm sure it was fun.

Barak: It wasn't!

Sapphire: ... Anyway. Where's Sunshine?

Ruby: We don't know. She wasn't here when we got here!

Midnight: Maybe she got lost and can't find her way back?

Ruby: Don't be ridiculous.

Midnight: It could happen...

All of a sudden, something zoomed into the cave, and spun around Midnight's head. Mora barked and yapped her head off as Ruby caught it. It turned out to be a bat!

Sapphire: What's a bat doing here?

Barak: Aren't bats common on this island?

Sapphire: I mean what's a bat doing up here, and not in the forest like it should be.

Ruby: I don't know, but it seems to have a message for us.

There was a letter in the bat's mouth. Ruby took the piece of note and started to read it.

Ruby: "Please help me."... Strange.

Midnight: Not sure why we should help. This anonymous person, whoever it is, could be anyone! Even the enemy trying to throw us off our main path!

Ruby: While I agree with you, it could be a friend. If the UnMythics use Bat mail now, I'd be worried.

The messenger bat started flying round in excitement, as if agreeing with Ruby. Barak started to communicate with it, while Ruby finished bandaging Midnight.

Sapphire: If only mother could see me now - helping the enemy win the war against my kind.

Ruby: In that case, it's probably a good thing she isn't seeing you now.

Sapphire: Yeah, your right. She'd probably disown me if she knew what I was doing...

Barak looked up, curios.

Barak: Why?

Sapphire: Complicated family matters. Hard to explain. Not like I want too...

Ruby: And~... Done. Don't do anything rash for a while - your badly hurt and need to take it easy.

Midnight: Yeah, thanks doctor DeathDancer.

Midnight sat up quickly, but almost fell down.

Ruby: What did I just say?

Midnight: Something about relaxing... Haha, have you even met me? I'll rest when we've won the war.

And so saying so, Midnight made an attempt to walk out the door. Barak approached Ruby and was about to say something, but an explosion sounded nearby.

Ruby: Jupalo! They're back with more friends... Ok, we're moving again!

Ruby snatched her bag and Fang, and dashed out the door to Midnight. Sapphire and Barak were close behind, while the bat was deciding whether to follow or not.


  1. What is going to happen to Sapphire like Fang said I REALLY WANNA KNOW!!!

    1. Sorry, but I don't know either! It's the only downside to the "Author me". Haven't actually started planning it out, but even if I knew, would I tell you? :)
