Saturday, December 19, 2015

Annoying Apprentice

Well... need I say anything?

This also comes from the land of AppleStorm's stories, but unlike most of the time, these two are actually suppose to be BAD GUYS (Well, the emo deer, anyway. Donald (red-head) is new to this and hasn't been given enough time to turn to the dark side!)

But this picture is the shorter version of the "conversation" (can't really call it that, since only one of them did the talking) they had on their way to the "Magic Castle".

... And don't worry, Alex. I also question the Master's judgement.

... It's not my best work of art. Actually, I've had this in store for a while now, but I since I was lazy, AND having an artistic melt-down, you guys will have to make do with this.


  1. It's pretty good, Donalds hand look awkward but other than that, excellent!

    ~i am a very picky art critic~

    1. Good! I need a critic besides my sister. It helps me improve my art!

      And I hate drawing hands holding things. Which is why I try to avoid them entirely! One day, I'll get better...
