Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Bk2 Ending(ish)

The next morning, Ruby asked Barak to go and request what they wanted from the Vampire Lord. He agreed, but apologized that the ship would have to wait until the island got back to normal.

So a few days later, after Ruby and co returned to the village, the Vampires started to come back from the forest and repair the damage the UnMythics caused. Grandma was soon back to her potions, and Ruby's other cousins returned to their home villages.

Sunshine and Midnight made plans about where they would travel once their ship was made, and found ancient maps and charts with lost islands. Ruby didn't interrupt with their scheming, and instead focused on helping rebuild the village.

???: What? But didn't you say something about-

???: Hush, hatchling! I'm older then you by a few hundred years - don't question the story! You think I can't remember everything just because I'm getting old?

???: Ignore the runt, and continue with the story, ancient one!

Eh-hem... Finally, after a few weeks, Midnight and Sunshine made an announcement to the rest of the gang.

Midnight: Does anyone know why they're here?

Fang: Uh, no. All you've been doing is reading, while the rest of us have been helping build the village back together- they have no idea what you've been up to!

Ruby: And you do?

Fang: Maybe...

Sunshine: Well, me and Midnight have planned out where we're going to go - as soon as we have enough supplies and the ship, we'll go.

There was a silence among Ruby and Sapphire as they took in this news.

Midnight: What's wrong? Something wrong with exploring the world?

Ruby: No, but... I guess we didn't really think you would be going.

Sapphire: Yeah, but make sure you have fun on your little quest, maybe send a postcard...-

Midnight: Are you kidding? You're letting me and Sunshine go on a dangerous journey with no clue where we could be going? Without an adult looking after us like kids? You have to come with us, this is like a once-in-a-lifetime chance!

Ruby: Wait, what?

Midnight: Did you think I was going to leave you behind? Come on, were teammates!

Sapphire: But wouldn't we just slow you down? Get in the way?

Sunshine: I'm sure you'll cause less trouble then Midnight.

Sapphire: ... Good point.

Midnight: Then it's settled?

Ruby: ...-

Midnight: Not waiting for an answer! Just get packing the moment the ship is built!


After a few months of waiting, Midnight and Sunshine got their ship and shortly set sail with Ruby and Sapphire, alongside Barak and Fang (whether they wanted him or not).

Ruby: Where are we going first?

Sunshine showed Ruby a map of an Island with little islands surrounding it.

Sunshine: With any luck, there.

Sapphire: The "Grey Islands". How imaginative...

Sunshine: Well, I'm sure there's a good reason for it - their history is unknown to us, so we don't know why it's called that.

Midnight: Enough talk, more adventure. Full steam ahead, Captain!

Captain ???: No one will be telling me what to do, but I agree with you laddie!

The Captain gave orders to his crew, and they set off on their journey.


(... Yeah, it's short. Deal with it. I have no idea where to take this, other then a rough idea and plot for the next "adventure".)

(I'll join B1 and B2 when I rewrite everything, so Midnight and Sunshine's quest will be dubbed "B3" for now.)


    Also, shouldn't you rewrite b1 and 2 in pages? So that way your readers don't get confused.

    1. Book 1: The War of Moonlight
      Book 2: Journey of The Snatchers
