Tuesday, December 29, 2015

B3 Ch3 Cole -part1

It was easy for Midnight to sneak out of the inn without anyone noticing. He was soon heading west towards the black castle, where he hoped he'd find answers.

Arriving at his destination, he quietly jumped through an open window, and into a kitchen. He started sneaking around, trying not to get seen. But, unfortunately...

Guard (white eagle): HEY!

Midnight stopped dead in his tracks, and a guard walked up to him.

Guard: You're highness, what are you doing out here at this time of night? Why aren't you in your room?

Midnight: I, uh... wanted a snack?

Midnight gave a sheepish grin, hoping this was convincing. The knight sighed and signaled Midnight to follow him.

Guard: You could've just called one of us to get something for you. You have to get back to your room, before your father finds out! I've already taken enough beatings to cover for you.

The guard muttered something under his breath as they walked up some stairs and faced a door. The eagle opened it, and gently shoved Midnight forward. He shut the door as Midnight took a look around the room he was now trapped in.

Midnight started to explore, when suddenly a window flew open, and a hooded figure climbed in. Just as the stranger closed the window, it spun around and stopped dead as it saw Midnight. It tried to grab a nearby candle, but Midnight motioned the stranger to stop.

Midnight: I'm not here to harm you. If I did, I would've done a better job at hiding...

???: N-... What are you doing here? Are you trying to kill me?

Midnight: Why would I? I have no idea who you are. I just came here for some answers... (and besides. Killing is against my code)

???: How can I trust you?

Midnight: My name is Midnight. There, now you know who I am. Are you going to do the same?

???: ... Do I have your word that you won't hurt me?

Midnight: I ju-... Yes. Now, kindly show your face.

With hesitation, the figure slowly took of the hood, revealing a black cheetah, almost like a younger version of Midnight.

Midnight: ... Would your name happen to be Cole?

Cole (black cheetah): Yes. It is. If you didn't know me, then how-

Midnight: I just met your team of thieves. They mistook me for you all day. It was frustrating, treating me like a prince and everything. I just assumed, is all.

Cole: That... explains a lot of things, actually...

Midnight paused before asking the next question on his mind.

Midnight: ... Why do you look so much like me? It was obviously enough to fool your friends, but...

Cole shook his head in confusion.

Cole: I don't know. But... maybe someone I know does. But they're outside the castle walls, which means getting out again somehow...

Midnight: Your kitchen has some windows wide open. I'm sure no one would mind if we use that as a means of escaping!

Cole: In that case, follow me.

Cole sneaked to the door and opened it, before tip-toeing out with Midnight close behind.


The cheetah duo stealthily made it out of the castle without any difficulty, and they quietly made it through the silent streets of the big town.

After a lot of weaving through alleyways, Cole stopped at an old house with cracks in the walls and rats scurrying everywhere. Cole knocked on the door four times, and waited. The rickety door swung slowly open, and the two cheetahs went inside. The door quickly closed, and someone barred it with a piece of wood.

???: By my great beard, Prince Cole, son of Charon of the black kingdom... What can I do for you, my very special guest?

A deer stepped out of the shadows, smiling at the two boys. Cole tossed the old man a sack of coins, and nodded towards Midnight.

Cole: Denis, my... friend here, wants to ask you something.

Denis (brown deer): I think I can guess it...

Midnight raised an eyebrow, wondering if his question was that obvious.

Denis: ... You're wondering why you two boys look so much alike, aren't you?

Midnight: Uh, yes. Yes we are.

Denis: Well... I'll just give it to you straight. You and Cole, are brothers.

Cole stared at Midnight in wonderment, and took a step back.

Denis: ... Was that too sudden? I understand if you boys don't believe me.

Cole: N-no... just... impossible. I don't have any brothers!

Denis: Nothing's impossible, Cole.

Midnight couldn't think of anything to say at that moment, so he remained silent.

Denis: Would you like an explanation?

Midnight slowly nodded his head, not entirely sure he really wanted to hear it.

Denis: Alright, then...

Sorry, folks. Looks like you'll have to wait until Thursday for the story! Oh well. It's not like it's that exciting anyway - you'll live!