Tuesday, December 15, 2015

B3 Ch1 Land -part2

Early next morning, Ruby was up on deck, slightly shivering as the morning sun started to rise. Barak (who just had an early breakfast of fish) gently flew over to her, breathing out hot air.

Barak: Hello, Ruby! What are you doing up to so early?

Ruby: Nothing, really. Couldn't sleep, so I came up here.

Barak: We'll be at the island in a few hours... Just thought you'd like to know.

Ruby: Yeah, ok.

Barak stretched out his wings and took off into the brightening sky, leaving Ruby to herself again.


Sailor: LAND, HO!

Sapphire jerked her head up, spun it wildly and saw tree covered mountains off in the distance. She leaped into the sea, and started swimming toward the land, not waiting for the ship to dock.

Ruby: SAPPHIRE!!! You literally have zero patience! Get back up here, you'll tire yourself out if you swim that far!

Sapphire: No way! I've waited weeks to walk on dry land again - nothing can stop me-

Ruby: Barak, stop her!

Barak took off after Sapphire, and took hold of her. Sapphire said something to Barak, and he quickly took off towards the island with her.

Ruby: ... Sapphire's a bad influence to Barak. I'll have to have a word with him later about listening to her.

The ship finally landed and Ruby, Midnight and Sunshine found Sapphire and Barak waiting for them.

Sapphire: What took you so long?

Midnight: You got a free ride, which was a lot quicker.

Ruby: We should start exploring as soon as possible - some of us can scout ahead, try to find a path or something, while the rest of us bring along enough food to last us for a few days.

Sunshine: I'll go and do that. You all can go ahead - I'm sure I'll find you.

Sapphire: That's settled then! Onward, my fellow adventurers! Today, we shall rediscover this Island of mystery! Assuming this is the place...

Ruby: Barak can search the skies, then. Tell us how to get there and such!

Barak: Yes. There was a huge village, in the middle were two castles with flags. It should be in the center of the island!

Ruby: Ok then, lead the way.

Barak took off and started flying above the trees. Sunshine returned to the ship, while the others followed Barak.


As the team trudged through the undergrowth, they noticed what looked like the remains of a violent battle all around. Red staining the grass, and weapons everywhere.

Sunshine: I wonder if this place is safe...

Midnight: What's the worst that could happen? Everyone has their wars to win.

Sunshine: Yes, but what were they fighting?

Ruby: Yeah, I'm wondering the same thing...

Barak: We're almost there, guys! Just beyond these trees...

They stumbled upon a clearing, with a large path entering the city. Two tired guards could be seen, keep watch at the entrance. As the group approached them, they pointed their spears at them.

Guard 1 (orange fox): HALT. No Plain-dwellers allowed into the Village of Smoke, as you should well know!

Sapphire: Plain-dweller-... I'm going to ask. What are you talking about?

Guard 1: You cannot fool us! Get back, or the whole two kingdoms will know you're here!

Ruby: Uh, Sapphire... I don't think they know we're not from these parts.

Sunshine: Yes. Kindly put down your weapons, and maybe we can explain ourselves?

Guard 2 (blue wolf): Well, if you're not from here, where do you come from?

Ruby: From ShadowWhisper Island. We've come a long way to get here, and would hate to have come for nothing.

Guard 1: Wow, you have come a fair way to get here... What are your reasons?

Sunshine: To discover our pasts.

Guard 2: Surely you haven't all forgotten your childhoods?

Sapphire: Nope, just the two cats. Don't worry, we don't all have that bad a memory!

Guard 1: I reckon they're lying, Bill... I bet they're Plain-dwellers, trying to give the Rebellion news from the outside!

Midnight: Rebellion? This place is more interesting than I thought...

Guard 2: Hold up! If they didn't know about the Rebellion, then they have to be telling the truth... no one's that dumb. And besides, look at the two cheetahs.

The first guard looked at Midnight and Sunshine, suspiciously.

Guard 1: ... Not to mention they have what looks like a Dragon with them. They must be powerful people, to have a companion like that.

Ruby: So you'll let us through? We won't cause trouble, will we guys?

Midnight: Trouble is my middle name.

Ruby: Not helping...

Guard 1: ... Ok, fine. We'll let you in, give you a tour of the Village of Smoke... Our shifts almost up, anyway.

Barak: Yay!

The first guard signaled them to follow him as they entered the big city of the Grey Islands.

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