Thursday, December 17, 2015

B3 Ch2 Storm Gang -part1

The guard (whose name they found out was Frank) started giving them the tour of the big city, answering any questions they had and introducing them to the local people. When they asked who founded the Island, he started to tell the story.

Frank (orange fox): This Island was founded by the ancestors of the two kings - Erebos the Brave, and Eosphoros the Wise. Together, they created a wonderful kingdom that was protected from the outside world. But overtime, Erebos, for unknown reasons, tried to conquer his friend's side of the kingdom.

Midnight: Cool. So who won?

Frank: No one. While Erebos may have been strong, Eosphoros was clever and quick to act. He saw Erebos coming to fight him, and sent his soldiers to stop him. While Erebos bested Eosphoros's knights, he was tired and had to retreat.

Sapphire: Surely he didn't give up after one try?

Frank: Oh, no. He made multiple attempts to kill Eosphoros, and failed every time. But the good king knew he couldn't keep this up for long, so he fled to the hills for short periods of time.

Ruby: Can you tell us about this... rebellion, as you put it.

Frank: I'm afraid the next Kings of the Island, after Erebos and Eosphoros, continued the war Erebos started. It's been like that for generations, and most of the people aren't too happy about that, and are forced to join one king or the other - anyone who doesn't choose is banished or... well...

Midnight: Unalived?

Frank: That's one way to put it, yes. So those that refuse to choose flee into the nearby forest plains, hiding from civilization.

Sapphire: If it isn't war with another species, it's with themselves... You Mythics are all crazy.

Barak: Surely someone has tried to reason with the kings throughout the ages! If this fight has gone for as long as you say, why hasn't anything been done about it?

Frank: No Vampire has had the guts, or the strength to face up to them.

Sapphire: Good thing I'm not one, then.

Midnight: Ok, so who are the current rulers of the castles?

Frank: Vulcan, ruler of the white kingdom of the left, and Charon, ruler of the black kingdom of the right.

Ruby: Interesting... So why is this called the Grey Islands?

Frank: Well, it couldn't be called the White or Black Islands, so they chose something in the middle - Grey.

Sapphire: Fair enough. Kinda funny, actually.

Barak: So... What king do you follow, Frank? Or are you one of the rebels?

Frank: SHHHH! Not in public! What are you, daft?

Barak: I'm a Dragon!

Frank: Sorry, but if I say who I follow aloud, I'll create unnecessary enemies right on the spot!

Ruby: Sorry - he didn't mean to pry.

Frank: It's alright, I guess... you didn't know. I guess I'll take you to a local inn, get you settled for the night.

Sunshine: Thank you - you've been really helpful to us!

Frank: Just doing my job. Follow me, I know a good place with friendly people for you kids...

They followed the guard through wide streets and shops, deeper into the city.


Frank pushed through a door, and stepped into a warmly lit area. A nearby wolf looked up, and smiled seeing the tired guard.

Zelda (grey wolf): Why, if it isn't my favorite knight in shining armour! Has the general been treating you well? Need anything?

Frank: Nothing for me, but two rooms for our guests would be fine.

Zelda: "Our"? Is there more then one of you knights here then?

Frank: No - these kids have sailed from ShadowWhisper island to see our fair city!

Zelda: Fairly dead city, y'mean. At the rate, we may as well be!

Frank: That's no way to talk, Zel'.

Zelda: You're right, I'm sorry. Can I get you kids anything?

Midnight dug into his pocket and tossed the wolf a couple of gold coins.

Midnight: Surprise me! I'm pretty sure you don't have Thornberry mix with a hint of mint, so I'll let you decide. Now, where do we sleep?

Zelda got two keys and tossed them to Ruby and Sunshine.

Zelda: Second floor, Room 8 and 9. You can stay for as long as you want, so long as you have the money...

Frank: I'll be paying for them - I don't think they'll stay for long, anyway.

Midnight sat down on a nearby seat, tapping his foot on the ground as he waited for his drink, while the others went up to their rooms.

*A little announcement*

The Mythic page has been updated (finally, after I said I'd do it two/three months ago) so... yeah. Go 
check it out. Or don't, it's totally up to you.

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