Tuesday, December 22, 2015

B3 Ch2 Storm Gang -part2

Ruby, Sapphire and Sunshine were relaxing in their rented room, asking questions of Zelda.

Sapphire: What is the rebellion currently doing, Zelda?

Zelda: Well, since you're outsiders who don't follow either of the kings, I suppose it's alright to tell you... Basically, we're going to be planning to force them to sign a treaty for a hundred years, see if they can't get along.

Sapphire: And you're sure this will work?

Zelda: Nope, but we're so tired of their fighting that we're willing to try anything at this point. If that doesn't work, I'm sure we could try sailing on a boat to quieter lands... Settle down and start again with our lives.

Ruby: Do either king have sons or daughters to take their places in this endless fight?

Zelda: Yep. Plenty of children on both sides, Unfortunately...

Sunshine: So... are there any laws in this place that we should be aware of? Me and Midnight were thinking of exploring the town a bit more.

Zelda: No, but they punish theft harshly here. Best be careful not to upset the locals, as well. They'll want an excuse to throw you into their master's prisons... But can you tell me anything about your homeland?

Ruby: Well, we have a lot of little villages scattered around the island, each with it's own Vampire Lord. We're pretty peaceful, but we're recovering from the war we'e just had with the UnMythics.

Zelda: I'm afraid I'll have to get back to my duties, now... Pleasure chatting with you girls!

The waitress hurried out of the room and out of sight. Sunshine got her bag and followed her down to get Midnight, but he had already left.


Midnight (impatient with waiting for Sunshine) was walking down the busy streets, exploring and had no idea where he was going (not that he cared at the moment).

Midnight: Where's some excitement when I need it? Maybe I'll just create my own amusement...

Midnight walked up to a nearby fruit store, and quickly took a fruit. He walked on, wondering if anyone noticed. And sure enough...

???: HEY! THIEF!

Midnight didn't bother lifting his head to see who had cried that, and instead took off into the crowd.


A mob started to go after him, but he pushed his way through the streets, his speed gaining with his enjoyment of being chased.

Midnight dropped his fruit as he ran on, and dived into a nearby alleyway. He came to a dead end quickly, and he tried searching for a way out.

???: Hey, Cole!

Midnight turned to see a kid, wearing what looked like tin armor, pointed a wooden stick at him.

Midnight: Cole? That's a new one. Usually I just get called "Unlucky", or "good-for-nothing".

Ron (white rabbit): Cole? Don't you recognize me?

Midnight: Uh... Nope. You must have mistaken me for another-

Ron: Is this part of my test? If it is, I shouldn't be fooled by your acting.

Midnight: Now, hold on kid, you probably-

Ron: You'll be coming with me, then!

Midnight was grabbed by the small rabbit who led him in and out through alleys and streets. After a bit, they reached a trapdoor, and the kid ordered Midnight to go down it.

It was pitch black when Midnight finally reached the bottom. A candle was lit, and half a dozen faces could be seen now. Midnight glared back at the faces that looked at him.

Ron: Did I pass the test? No one saw us, and-

Midnight: You got the wrong cat, kid. Ok, who are you guys?

??? (white fox): It's ok, Prince. You can drop the act! You did good, dressing up as one of us!

Midnight: Act? One of you? What are you-

???: Seriously, he passed, your highness.

Midnight: "Your highness"? I'm not royalty! I'm Midnight, and I-...

Midnight paused for a moment,

??? (red horse): Sire? Is anything wrong?

Midnight: I'm outta here.

The hidden faces started to move closer, now even more confused.

???: B-but Cole! You've been waiting ages to get out of that castle, s-surely you wont go back just-

Midnight: Who said I was going to the castle?

Midnight and the gang stared each other down, as the candle's flame flickered and the shadows in the darkness danced.


Ruby and Sunshine were searching the town, calling to Midnight but without much luck.

Ruby: I don't understand, where could he have gotten to?

A nearby salesman coughed, and peered at the through his broken glasses, curiously.

Salesman (red leopard): Who're you looking for, ladies?

Sunshine: A black cheetah, wearing dark blue jumper... Probably stole something somewhere? We're trying to find him.

Salesman: Ah, I know who you're talking 'bout. Bratty lad stole a piece of fruit from Mr. JayClaw's stand! Caused a bit of a commotion, he did.

Ruby: Of course... What else would he be doing?

Sunshine: Do you know where he went, sir?

The salesman pointed down the street vaguely.

Salesman: Somewhere down there... The guards hopefully got him behind bars now, though... We don't like thieves among our city.

Ruby: Ok, thanks! Let's go, Sunshine!

Ruby and Sunshine quickly dashed down the stone streets, now with a little more hope.