Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Bk2 Ch.9 Rewards -part3

After Ruby and Barak gathered some supplies, they left the mansion and returned home. Sapphire was waiting at the front door, relieved to see them back.

Sapphire: Finally, you're back! Got anything out of that little trip?

Ruby passed a sack of veggies to Sapphire, nodding.

Ruby: Enough to last for a week. But let's get inside. I have something to say to everyone - it's from the Vampire Lord.

Sapphire raised her eyebrow at Ruby before heading inside. Barak jumped through a broken window and crashed into Midnight.

Barak: Surrah, Midnight! (sorry)

Midnight: Why couldn't you just use the door, like everyone else?

Sapphire: Oh, so you wouldn't leap through a smashed window if the thought crossed your mind?

Midnight: Not with this leg, I can't! Did you get any food?

Ruby: Yes. Enough to last us for while! But I have an announcement from the Vampire Lord...

Everyone looked at Ruby, waiting for her to go on.

Ruby: Ok... Since we saved the island and stuff, the Vampire Lord wants to give us a reward.

Midnight: 'K. What about it?

Ruby: He'll give us anything as long as it's in his power.

Midnight looked at Sunshine before speaking again.

Midnight: Would a big ship be too much to ask?

Sapphire: Why would we need one?

Midnight: It's something I've wanted for the past five minutes.

Sapphire: ...

Midnight: ... Ok, how about  It's something we've NEEDED for the past three years!

Ruby and Sapphire both gave Midnight a curious look.

Sapphire: Who's we?

Sunshine: Me and Midnight.

Ruby dug into one of the sacks and pulled out some bread. She tossed it to Midnight, with a serious look.

Ruby: Care to tell us why you want a ship?

Midnight: Isn't it obvious? To sail the many seas of this amazing world.

Ruby: Don't play smart with me, Midnight. We know your not better then that, but seriously. WHY?

Midnight took a bite out of the bread before answering.

Midnight: To find out about me and Sunshine's past.

Sapphire gave Midnight an interesting look.

Sapphire: Really? Why don't you tell us about it, pass the time a little bit. Learn about your life and stuff. Sound fun?

Midnight: ... Yeah, I guess I've been hiding this for long enough...


Midnight: My earliest memory is being raised at the M.O.S.T. tavern, alongside the white cat. The only thing we had connecting with each other (besides being cheetahs), was two metal objects that could link together to form a key.

When I turned nine, they started to train me to become a thief - stealing fruit, looting objects from houses, and stuff like that. I enjoyed being bad. Until that one night, during a nightly celebration...

---------- *Midnight's Memories* ----------

Patric (green leopard): Cheers to another successful raid!

Everyone else: CHEERS!!!

All the local thieves in the tavern drank from their classes, except Midnight - he sat in a corner with his friends, a white cheetah nicknamed Sunshine, and an orange wolf known as Stella.

Stella (orange wolf): Dumb thieves guild. Why do they have to stay in our inn? Why can't they get their own inn?

Midnight: I think they're cool. They teach me cool things, like getting free money and food!

Sunshine: They are bad, Midnight. That food belonged to someone!

Midnight: Whatever. Patric says it's their fault for being bad shopkeepers! You girls are all the same...

Sunshine: I bet you'll turn rotten like those guys.

Midnight was about to attack Sunshine, when a yellow wolf appeared with a tray of drinks.

Danica (yellow wolf): Now, now, children. You shouldn't fight about pointless things. Here, maybe you'd like something to drink?

Sunshine and Midnight: Yes, Miss StarWalker.

The yellow wolf gave them all drinks, and the kids drank happily.

Danica: Hey, Stella my star? Could you help mother serve drinks to her customers?

Stella: Of course, mother! I'd be happy to help!

Stella followed her mother through the crowd, and out of sight. Midnight continued drinking his soda, as he tried to listen to Patric, talking to another thief nearby.

Patric: ......... admit ........................ quite good ............thief ............................ no idea ................ from!

Thief (white tiger): ................ white one? ............ seem .............

Patric: ................. kicking ...... out .................. someplace .............. no room ............. guild.

Thief: .............. good ................... trying ............. Midnight ....................... thief ........... can't have ........

Patric took a long drink from his cup before replying.

Patric: No .............. we ................ shouldn't ................... might ............................. thrown ............ sea!

The thieves both laughed as Midnight sat there, confused.

Sunshine: Something wrong, Midnight?

Midnight hesitated before taking Sunshine's hand and leading her away, up the stairs and into the outside world to the streets. He started running as fast as he could through the alleyways until even he wasn't sure where they were going.

Finally, just as their legs were about to give way, Sunshine forced Midnight to slow down to a stop.

Sunshine: Midnight, where are we going? Why are we out in the cold dark night in the middle of nowhere?

Midnight panted for breath before replying.

Midnight: I thought Patric was going to throw you out! I needed you to get away from him in case it was true, just... get away from here as fast as you can!

Sunshine: I was afraid a day like this would happen... Are you sure?

Midnight: I took you out here, didn't I? How surer can you get?

Sunshine: Ok... I'll go.

Without another word, the white cheetah took off, into the blackness. Midnight said nothing either, instead he headed back to the underground inn.


Midnight: ...After that I started questioning where I came from, because everything before that point was a messy blur. I kept having dreams about a far place that didn't quite belonged to this island. And after I found out that this was the Sunshine I knew, we both want to find out where we came from.

Sapphire: So basically a quest for self-discovery.

Midnight: Eh, more or less.

Ruby: ... Ok. I'll go and see the Vampire Lord tomorrow and ask him if he can get what we want.

Midnight: R-really? You... actually believe me?

Ruby: Mm-yeah. I see no reason why I shouldn't - I mean, it kinda makes sense why your secretive about certain things.

Ruby went into the kitchen while Midnight took another bite out of his bread.

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