Saturday, December 12, 2015

City Snow

Well, 'tis the season to be jolly well aware Australia doesn't get much snow at this time of year. Or any time of year, actually... But anyway, here's the picture!

I wasn't sure how to draw this, but I'm pretty pleased with the results. Are you guys having good holidays so far? Me? Mine hasn't even started yet mumble mumble...


  1. Nice! ^-^
    By the way, is the person and the dog characters of yours, or like, you and your dog? haha I worded that awkwardly

    1. Nope - My dog is a skinny miniature dash-hound, and this picture isn't a reference to any of my stories. I did this mostly out of fun, and partly so I can get better at drawing humans.

    2. It looks awesome! BTW are you Christan or Jewish? I have a friend who celebrates Chismakah (Hannakuh, but with a Santa aspect as well), so it's hard to tell these days.

  2. My holiday is going well, the cat hasn't knocked down our tree yet so...
    But I still want my bread pudding :3

    1. Good to know your holidays are good so far!

      To answer your question above, I'm Christian. It may not look like it, reading my stories, but it's true. :)

    2. Cool! Have you seen Elf? Best movie ever! ;p
