Thursday, December 10, 2015

B3 Ch1 Land -part1

Our (newer) story begins on the open ocean, on a ship traveling to unknown lands with a nervous crew.

???: We guessed. Can you tell us about the heroes?

... Now, on that ship were five adventurers. Two kangaroos, one red and one blue, two cheetahs, one black and one white, and a green Dragon-

???: You're forgetting Fang!

Don't interrupt!

Ahem... And a green Dragon. Together they made an unstoppable team - but that didn't stop some of them from getting sea sick!

???: MIDNIGHT!!! Not on the deck, dude!

Midnight (black cheetah): I don't plan to- hang on... gimme a sec...

A black cheetah rushed over to the side of the ship, while some of the sailors laughed at his misery, including a bright blue kangaroo.

Sapphire (blue kangaroo): We told you not to eat last night's leftovers!

Midnight: It's not that. I've never been on a ship for longer than a day - it's been two weeks!

Sapphire: Uh-huh. So why did you think it was a good idea to explore the ocean looking for lands no one has been to in a thousand years?

Midnight: Go jump into the sea - play with your fish friends, annoy some sharks or something...

Sapphire: Meh, probably more entertaining then watching you seeing your lunch again. Ok, you got your wish!

And so saying so, Sapphire leaped over the side of the ship and into the sea.

A minute later, a red kangaroo climbed down from the crows nest, obviously frustrated.

Ruby (red kangaroo): Still no land - Sunshine, are you sure we're going the right way?

Sunshine (white cheetah): No, I'm not actually. But we've come so far, we can't turn back now!

Ruby: I agree. But if this continues much longer, I'm probably going to forget what non-salted food tastes like.

Sunshine: We have limes and other fruit!

Midnight: Don't remind me...

Ruby: Speaking of green fruit, where is Barak? Surely it doesn't take that long to explore an ocean?

Sapphire resurfaced from the sea and shouted up to Ruby and Sunshine.

Sapphire: Hey, guys! The local dolphins claim there's a mass of land a day's journey from here - apparently populated by an intelligent species! I'm thinking Vampires, maybe UnMythics.

Ruby: Glad to see your Sea blood has its uses - I'll let the captain know.

Ruby rushed towards the Captain's cabin, while Sapphire (now wet with salt water) crawled back onto the deck.

Midnight: Pity you can't swim as fast as Barak.

Sapphire: Hey, I'm still trying to remember I can breath underwater now. Do you want to be bitten by a Dragon to turn into a Sea Creature? 'Cause I can ask him!

Sunshine: He's not an UnMythic, and besides, you only have a thirty three percent chance of turning into a Sea Creature!


Across the horizon was a streak like green lightning. It crashed into the ship, and into Midnight, throwing them both into the sea.


The Dragon dragged a soaking Midnight back up onto the ship, and some sailors rushed forward to help them.

Midnight: I'm fine! Just startled, is all...

Sapphire: Had a nice dip in the ocean, Midnight?

Midnight: Shut up.

Sapphire: Want me to get a doctor, in case you've caught a cold or something?

Midnight: Yeah, tell him you're a pain in the neck and that you should be diced for Sushi!

Sapphire: I hope I disagree with you, then. Serves you right for standing right in Dragon boy's landing path!

Barak (green Dragon): I'm sorry! I didn't see you, and then it was too late...

Midnight: You must have been breathing thin air again. It's clouding your vision...

Sunshine: Enough, Midnight. Any news, Barak?

Barak: Yes! I saw an Island, quite close to here!

Sunshine: Perfect, that confirms what the dolphins say. Good job, Barak! You can ask the cook to give you something to eat, if you want now.
Barak: Ok!

Barak scampered towards the kitchen, while Sunshine escorted Midnight to his hammock down below.

(... Yes, I decided to make Sapphire a Deep Sea Creature. It sounded fun, plus it gives us a break from the usual "Vampires" or "UnMythics". So she's still technically a Mythic, just more salty.)

1 comment:

  1. OOH! I love this new story! And maybe I'll draw a pic of Deep Sea Saffy ;)
    Also I like Sushi but not Saffy Maki Rolls.
