Thursday, February 4, 2016

B3 Ch7 The two kings - part1

A few days after Midnight and Sunshine's arrests, the town's people gathered in the central square to witness the event that was about to take place between the two rival kings.

And a little red spider with a green dragon also watched from high on the rooftops...

Fang: Good news, the kings have arranged the swap of their kin. Bad news, we don't know how they'll take it when they realize they're related to their prisoners...

Barak: Are you sure this will work? I get nervous talking to big crowds of people...

Fang: Yes, it will. So please don't end up like me and become useless.

Barak: You're not useless!

Fang: Tell that to Ruby when she bothers to listen.

Barak: Why can't you do it, Fang?

Fang: I'm a spider, you fruit.

Barak: Dragon, actually-

Fang: Just be silent for a moment and see what happens, hm? Let's see whether we need a plan B or not...

Barak sighed and rested his head on his paws, and waited for things to get exciting.


When the Black king arrived with Sunshine (with the company of some black knights), everyone impatiently waited for Vulcan to arrive with his prisoner.

Cole: They should be here any minute...

Sure enough, a little later, the White king appeared with Midnight (and some white knights), when Charon yelled out in surprised.

Charon: Hang on a minute... THAT'S MY SON!

Vulcan noticed Charon's prisoner, and shouted back at him.


Sunshine: How can you tell?

Vulcan: You still have the key necklace I gave you! A present from a Dragon for safe keeping.

Charon: And that boy almost looks like Cole! You've been gone for years! I thought Vulcan had kidnapped you to train you to fight against me!

Vulcan: And I thought you took my daughter and raise her to hate me!

Charon: Well, it looks like I was right... KNIGHTS, TO ARMS!!!

Vulcan: MEN, ATTACK!!!

Fang: Barak, get in there and stop this nonsense once and for all!

The green Dragon nodded and took off into the clouds. He then sped down at top speeds towards the ground and caused a mini earthquake when he landed. He then roared for attention, and everyone stepped back, startled

Barak: STOP!!!


Barak: ... Thank you. Now, I know what the trouble is, so can you all stop this silly war and let everyone get on with their lives?

Vulcan: NEVER!!! I won't stop until that ancestor of a dog-

Charon: Hey!

Vulcan: Sorry, but it had to be said, - gives me what was rightfully ours!

Charon: Not in twenty billion years, you white dishcloth!

Barak: BE QUIET!!!

Barak shot a light beam into the sky, making everyone step back another pace or so.

Midnight: Alright, Barak. No need to blow up the entire town! We're listening!

Misae: You know this Dragon?

Midnight: You forget that I'm not from here, sweetheart!

Charon: But if he didn't take you... then where did you go?

Midnight: No idea, but we both ended up on ShadowWhisper island!

Charon & Vulcan: ShadowWhisper island?

Barak: Yes! He just told you that.

Midnight: But the point is... What in Ruby's Vampire Lord's name is the point of this war between you two?!

Sunshine: We know it all started with the first kings. But why did they start fighting in the first place?

Charon: Ah, well... it's like... uh...

The two kings remained silent. 

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