Thursday, February 18, 2016

B4 Prologue Lost Sea

It was a warm sort of day, on the deck of the Lucky SaltyCaramel. Sparkling blue ocean as far as the eye could see, and the crew in a jolly mood. Captain Lucas SilverBone was whistling a merry tune by the wheel, steering on the course back to ShadowWhisper island to sell his goods.

But while everyone seemed to be happy, there was one who was a little depressed. Her name was Sapphire. She was a blue kangaroo, and as she gazed upon the clear blue sea, wishing she was out there swimming with dolphins and racing against sharks, she had strict orders to stay near (or on) the ship that she was aboard - and she wasn't exactly happy about that.

"Hey, cousin. Why the long face?", a voice behind her asked. Sapphire turned around to face a red kangaroo, hair over one eye and a honest smile.
Sapphire sighed again and said, "Well... we go to all the trouble of staying on a crazy Island for less than two weeks, and I'm bored, Ruby. That's 'why the long face!' "
Ruby patted Sapphire's back before walking towards the sailor's cabins to read. Sapphire was glad Ruby didn't bother comforting her - it wouldn't have worked anyway.

Sapphire looked down into the sea again, but this time she noticed something odd. Black shadows were swimming around the ship, which concerned her. She leaned over to get a closer look, but they disappeared. I must be dreaming, she thought.


The ship sway a little, and Sapphire tried to steady herself. The captain bellowed out a startled cry, and called up to the crows nest.
"Raven, didja' see what that was jus' now?" he yelled to the lookout boy. "No I didn't, captain!" a reply drifted back down. The captain cursed under his breath and was about to give an order, when...


The boat rocked violently again, but this time Sapphire felt like the ship was sinking. She jumped into the sea and saw two large holes on the bottom of the boat, leaking in water quite quickly. She resurfaced swiftly, and climbed back into the boat, and yelled out with all her might.
"The ship's sinking! I repeat, THE SHIP'S SINKING!"


Sapphire stumbled backwards and fell into the ocean. She was about to swim back up, when something tapped her on the shoulder. She turned around, only to face a friendly looking penguin. He smiled and said, "Hello, earthling! So nice of you to drop in..."



... What's that buzzing sound? It's driving me nuts... Sapphire slowly opened her eyes and looked around, not sure where she was. She groaned and stood up, smelling the salty air of the sea, and feeling a cool breeze. Wait, why am I here?... She was alone, but something in her mind was trying to tell her to hurry up with something...

She lifted up her hand to scratch her head, but stopped when she saw a white seashell necklace in the palm of her fist. It seemed to whisper to her as she hesitatingly put it around here neck. Then it suddenly hit her that she had friends to find!
Sapphire quickly jumped into the sea and into the deep blue depths, in hopes of finding out if their ship had sunk. She didn't know it at the time, but things were going to get interesting...


Well... the start of a whole new adventure awaits us! This "adventure" is mostly going to be based on Sapphire as she explores the Deep Blue in search of her cousin (and friends, I guess), and to also solve some watery mysteries about the Deep Sea Creatures.

I hope you manged to put up with my lame excuse for "real writing", but if I'm to ever become a writer, I must explore and make mistakes. Story-writing cannot be taught - it takes years of practice, patience, and coffee (But I substitute that with Pineapple juice!)