Tuesday, February 2, 2016

B3 Ch6 Aunt Sunshine - part3

Misae was in the kitchen, ordering cooks about, when King Vulcan marched in.

Cook: What a pleasant surprise! You honor us with your presence, My lord!

Vulcan: Misae, it's time for our daily lessons!

Misae: Oh, do I have to father?

Vulcan: Yes, my dove. It's important for your ruling education! Now, come along. We can have cakes while we have our lesson.

Misae: Fine.

The king and his daughter left the hot kitchen (and away from the delicious smells), and headed towards the command room.

When they got there, Misae slumped into a chair and prepared for a dull hour of battle tactics and war strategies.

Vulcan: Now, the enemy has made its way to location b1, and are planning to stir up a revolution against us. What should we do?

Misae: Get a cup of tea?

Vulcan: Uh... (how do I say no?...)

Suddenly, a messenger ran in, waving a letter above his head, practically bursting with excitement.

Messenger (green eagle): A letter for the High White King!

Misae: Oo, a break in the pattern! How exciting! We usually get mail on Wednesdays.

Vulcan: ... Read it aloud, if you please.

Messenger: With pleasure, sir!

The eagle ripped open the letter, while Misae giggled quietly.

Misae: He's obviously new - no one gets that excited about reading organized scribbles on thin slices of wood to my father!

Messenger:  "King Vulcan. I have your daughter, so surrender and remove your troops from the forests and I may let her live. King Charon the third of the Black kingdom".

Vulcan turned to look at his daughter and raised an eyebrow.

Vulcan: Misae, are you in the Black Castles dungeons?

Misae: None of your business.

Vulcan: I'll take that as a no... What does Charon hope to accomplish; trying to make me believe that my daughter is in his dungeons?

Misae: I dunno, why don't you go and ask him?

Vulcan sighed and started pacing around the room.

Vulcan: He probably has someone else in his jail disguised as my daughter... meaning there's some commoner going to die in a few days if I don't release my prisoner!

Misae: So? Just do a swap if you think it's that important. In fact, I DEMAND you arrange this swap with king Charon!

Vulcan: B-but, Misae! That's the prince in my dungeons-

Misae: I don't care! You should have more honor than that!

Vulcan: Since when did I teach you honor?

Misae: You didn't. I had to learn it myself! You useless man.

Vulcan: V-very well... Messenger boy, give word to my personal scribe to write a letter back to Charon.

Messenger: About arranging a swap of prisoners, my lord?

Vulcan: Of course - if my daughter says it must happen, it will!

The messenger hurried off, while Vulcan continued pacing, trying to figure out his enemy's plans Misae silently left, hoping that he wouldn't call her back.

The White princess discreetly made her to towards the dungeons, where she found Midnight toying with the lock of his cell. She coughed to get his attention, but he continued to play with the keyhole.

Midnight: Back so soon?

Misae: Yes, but to give you news. One of your friends seems to have been captured by the black king, and is currently in their dungeons.

Midnight: Swell...

Misae: And I've ordered my father to arrange a swap. You for Charon's prisoner!

Midnight: Well, isn't that nice?

Misae: Enough with the sardonic tone, prince Orpheus. Act your age!

Midnight: I am! This is what teenagers do best!

Misae sighed shook her head.

Misae: Well, you won't get poisoned anytime soon, which is good. I don't think Charon would appreciate it if we did that to his son and heir to the throne.

Midnight: Actually, Charon doesn't even know I'm here... I've been keeping my existence a secret from him since I found out I was his son.

Misae: That's dumb! As royalty, you can have anything you want!

Midnight: Except freedom.

Misae: What do you mean?

Midnight: Are you allowed to explore the streets of this fair town? On your own?

Misae: Well, no... but that's for my own safety.

Midnight: And that's what I don't want... As they say, there's more to life than money, your highness.

Misae: Who are "They"?

Midnight: I don't have a clue.

Misae turned to leave, but Midnight called after.

Midnight: Also, could you send word to my friends? They need to be aware that I'm perfectly fine.

Misae: I'll send a messenger-

Midnight: No! You have to give it to them yourself, face to face. Alone.

Misae: I don't have to follow your orders, even if you are a famous prince!

Midnight: Then you're a coward. But, I understand... not everybody can be as brave as Dragon.

Misae glared at him before running out and up the stairs. Midnight grinned as the white princess left, and started to play with the lock once again.

Midnight: Well, it doesn't matter anyway. And I doubt Ruby would stop worrying about me... Knowing her, she'll probably stay up all night pacing...


  1. I like Misae now. Even if she can be a bit of a brat.
    Reminds me of Minto from Tokyo Mew Mew...

    1. Applestorm draws her quite nicely too.
