Tuesday, February 9, 2016

B3 Ch7 The two kings - part2

Vulcan slowly nodded his head before answering their question.

Vulcan: To tell you straight, uh... You're too young to understand.

Misae stamped her foot on the ground in anger, making him flinch.

Misae: Oh, rubbish! We can't remember, can we father?

Vulcan: Um... N-no, not really.

Charon: Oh good, then it's not just me.

Barak: But if you can't remember, then why are you still fighting?

Vulcan: It's what our fathers did! And our grandfathers, and great grandfathers...

Charon: And great great grandfathers, and great great great grandfathers and so on...

Cole: Well, it's time to stop!

Vulcan: No! We will fight until the battle is won!

Barak: The battle has already been lost. Let people go home already!

Crowd: Yes, PLEASE!

Charon: Sorry, but even if you are a Dragon, there's no turning back in war!

Barak: ... Actually, I may not have the power... but your ancient laws do.

Every looked at Barak in a puzzled way, so he continued.

Barak: According to your old Vampish law, if two kings have a personal "disagreement", they cannot bring anyone into it (like going to war), and have to settle it peacefully.

Charon: Peacefully? Where's the fun in that?

Barak: If you want to, you can do a hand-to-hand fight instead!

Zelda: Yes, let's get this over with already! It's 1000 years overdue!

The people of the city murmured in agreement, and Cole and Misae stepped forward. They walked up to each other, giving a secret smile.

Vulcan: Misae! Get away from that boy! He's the son of my worst enemy!

Charon: Step back, Cole! She's the daughter of my worst enemy!

Misae and Cole looked at each other and nodded, before declaring loudly.

Cole and Misae: No.

Charon: What do you mean, no?

Barak: It's a two letter word, starts with fourteenth and ends on the fifteenth letter of the alphabet.

Misae: We refuse to do what you say.

Cole: We won't take any more of this stupid war! So, in other words...

Cole and Misae: We're friends.

The two kings looked at their children in shock, and it took them a while to grasp what they just declared.

But the city cheered and shouted for the Black prince and the White Princess like fury. This was the first sign of friendship between the two castles since Orpheus and Aurora's disappearance, and they were thrilled!

Barak: Hey, they aren't king and queen yet!

Zelda: What's stopping us from making them?

Charon and Vulcan: They're too young!

Barak: If anything, maybe Charon's elder son and Vulcan's sister are more suitable!

Zelda: You're right! They can take your places until Misae and Cole are older!


Barak shrugged and flew back up to where Fang was, hoping he'd done his job.

Fang: Well... good enough. Now Midnight and Sunshine are king and queen, we can leave.

Barak: Will Midnight and Sunshine come with us?

Fang gave a chuckle before facing Barak with all his spidery eyes and grinned.

Fang: No.

Barak: Why?

Fang: Now that they rule an entire island, they're going to be a bit... busy, to say the least.

Barak: We have to stop them! They have to come with us! It won't be right!

Fang: No, we leave them. We'll come back for them later!

Barak: But when?

Fang: Until the younger heirs are old enough to take over from their brother and aunt. Which may take some time...


  1. But Midnight wants to be free! Not to be busy in some grey castle on some grey islands ruling these grey people. Oh well.

    1. You're right! And he's probably going to do something about it (or at least try)!

  2. Maybe I know, maybe I don't. It could've been a precious jewel they both shared, until it disappeared one day. The Black's blamed the White's, and therefor a war started?

    Just an idea. It's probably not true! :)

  3. Maybe the cake wa a lie and they blamed eachother for it.

  4. Maybe... The first Black King accused the White King of having a secret affair with the Black Queen, and... Yeah.
    You're welcome internet!

  5. Maybe Ruby's grandma had something to do with it.
