Tuesday, February 16, 2016

B3 Ending

About a week later, Ruby, Sapphire, and Barak were ready to set sail back to sea with Cole and Misae.

Lucas: Are you kids ready?

Ruby: Yeah. We're all set!

Lucas: Good! Be prepared to set sail soon!

A few dozen people were on the shore, two of them being the previous kings, waving their children off on their adventure.

Charon: Cole, is there any possible way that I can change your mind to not go?

Cole: I'm afraid not.

Charon: Fine... then make sure you at least try to write to us! I've already thought one son was dead, and I don't need a repeat of that!

Cole: I'll try, father!

Vulcan: Now, Misae! Try to keep out of trouble on your journey!

Misae: Dad, don't ruin this moment for me.

Vulcan: Sorry, my dove!

A horn sounded and the ship started to drift back into the sea and away from the island. Everyone waved goodbye, not taking their eyes off the boat until it was just a speck in the distance.


It had been two days since they left the Grey Islands, and Cole and Misae had gotten used to the rocking ship. Sapphire was ordered by Ruby to check the storage room for any rats.

While Sapphire was searching for any unwanted pests, she heard a tapping sound nearby. She approached cautiously, ready to strike, but then she relaxed.

Sapphire: Well well well... Look what we have here!

Midnight: Don't, Sapphire-

Sapphire: Hey, Ruby! Can you come here for a second? I've got something to show you!

Ruby opened the storage room door, and saw Midnight, slightly shivering, but grinning.

Ruby: MIDNIGHT! What-... How did you get here?

Midnight: I sneaked on board at the crack of dawn, long before any of you guys were up.

Ruby: But you're suppose to be ruling alongside Aurora! She can't get the city back in order on her own!

Midnight: She's just going to have to try.

Ruby: Well... it's not like we can turn around and head back, now...

Midnight: Good. That's how long I wanted to stay hidden for - until we couldn't turn back!

Ruby: Ok, ok... you win! You can keep your rotten life and cold bed! It was your call!

Midnight: I know!

And so, Midnight went with them on their journey back to ShadowWhisper island. At first Ruby was mad at him for going with them, but over time she accepted that the royal life didn't suit him.

... You think this is the end of their adventure? Maybe. But a brand new one is about to unfold! Very soon...


... What? I only managed to get to seven chapters before completing the quest? Oh well. Maybe next one will be longer! Because... well... you'll find out on Thursday.

And sorry for the short post - I have good reasons, but at the moment can't name any of them. (No, I'm not kidding - I can't name them for fear of spoilers!)

And say goodbye to Sunshine. It'll be awhile before we see her again...

And I updated Characters, and added Side Characters, and Maps.

(Also, you have no idea how hard it is to redraw AJ Plushies!)


  1. Great job with Sapphire, she really does look like she's underwater. Also, Sunshine never had yellow hair, did she dye it?

    1. Probably. Now that she has to rule the Grey Islands single handed, she has to at least make it worth while by looking nice!

      ... Not really an excuse for making her hair slightly yellow? Meh. Well, it could be worst!

    I'll see you in B4 (Or B3...oh Gallifrey this is too confusing XD)

    1. "B"'s will just have to be considered adventures/quests for now, instead of "books". (It's too much work changing the B's into A's now)
