Tuesday, February 23, 2016

B4 Ch1 Sea Salt -part1

Sapphire was frustrated. She had no idea where she was, and the ship that she was traveling on disappeared without a trace - crew, friends, everything.

She was currently swimming through the salty waters of the deep sea, trying to find out what had happened. As she went deeper, she noticed something moving among the coral, scavenging for something.

Sapphire: Hey!

The figure looked up, startled. When it saw Sapphire it hastily swam off, but Sapphire gave chase.

Sapphire: Get back here! I have some questions for you!

But the creature continued to speed on at a surprisingly fast speed. But eventually, Sapphire cornered the strange fish into a rocky cliff.

Sapphire: Finally! Can you-... wait a second, you're not a shark!

??? (pale otter): N-no...

Sapphire: Well, if you're not a shark, a dolphin, or an extremely large fish, what are you?

???: What am I? Shouldn't you know, being one yourself?

Sapphire: What?

???: Oh, did Kai set you up to do this? I s-should've known... Please don't beat m-me up, I've hard a really rough day as it i-is!

Sapphire: Kai? What on earth are you going on about? I just asked what kind of creature you were!

???: N-nice act, but no. If I say Sea creature, you'll h-hit me and tell me I'm nothing but a cowering c-c-catfish!

Sapphire stared open wide at the shaking creature before her, not sure how to react to this.

Sapphire: Sea creature? You're a Sea creature?

???: Y-yes! Oh, I feel a slap coming...

Sapphire practically burst with excitement. She grabbed hold of the stuttering otter's paws and spun around and around and around, until they were both quite dizzy.

Sapphire: Yes! I've found my kind! Maybe this day isn't turning out to be so bad after all?

???: Say what?

Sapphire: Ever since Barak had turned me into a Sea Creature, I've been dying to meet others like me!

???: S-so... y-you're not going to slap me?

Sapphire: I have no reason to! I'm Sapphire! What's your name?

Silver (pale otter): My... my name? Well... call me Silver!

Sapphire: Pleased to meet you, Silver! Now, have you seen a ship anywhere? I was on it when it mysteriously sank!

Silver's face paled (which must've been hard, considering his colour) when he heard those words.

Silver: A-a-a ship? You... you were on a-a ship?

Sapphire: Uh, yeah. I just said that.

Silver: U-um... N-no! No, I haven't s-seen a ship!

Sapphire: ... Tell me the truth, Silver.

Silver: T-t-the truth?

Sapphire: Yeah. It's like the opposite of lying... And who knows? I might actually have a reason to hit you now!

Silver gulped and slowly nodded his head.

Silver: Y-yeah... There was a-a raid a few hours ago... It must've b-been your ship that they took!

Sapphire: Raid?

Silver: Yes. Every time when a s-ship goes past carrying goods we n-need, we-... they, attack it, sink the ship, and c-capture everyone b-board...

Sapphire: WHAT?!

Silver winced, and Sapphire started to panic.

Sapphire: But they can't breath underwater... How do they expect them to survive?

Silver: It's the charms we give t-them...

Sapphire: Charms?

Silver: Yeah, l-like the one y-you're wearing!

Sapphire looked at the seashell that she was wearing around her neck.

Sapphire: Ok... What do they do?

Silver: For non-Sea Creatures, it k-keeps them from drowning, b-but also makes them unable to return to the surface without d-dying! For us, it brings luck and protects us from certain dangers!

Sapphire: Interesting... So, you have, like... some kind of underwater city?

Silver: Seatopia? Y-yeah, that's where I live.

Sapphire: Could you take me there?

Silver: I guess... I have to get back eventually - m-mother gets worried if I stay away for the house t-t-too long.

Sapphire: Cool. Lead the way!

Silver: ... You're s-strange.

Sapphire: So I'm told.

The white otter swam deeper into the ocean, and Sapphire followed close behind.


... Basically it takes a while to get to the bottom of the ocean. Nothing else interesting happens until they reach Seatopia.

And you've probably noticed my poor attempt at creating an otter plushie... Well, until I get the real deal, it'll have to do.

Oh, and because Silver's going to be a friend on the adventure, he gets a character sheet!


  1. I think Silver would look more plushie like if he didn't have all those black outlines... That's just my opinion.

    1. I'll make an attempt at redrawing it again whenever I get around to it... Until then, this is what I have to work with.

  2. YAY! This reminds me of the underwater adventure when I was writing Nosferatu. Sigh...the good old days.
