Saturday, February 20, 2016

Mega Meggie

So... If there was any other world of mine that I could share with the public, it would be "Tales from Salamurr". It's a bit hard to explain, but not to worry - you'll just have to be introduced to one of the characters in that weird land!

Meet Meggie, a Metaller outlaw, but a genius in weapons - she provides the main team with information that no one else knows - it's just a shame everyone else thinks she's mad, or else she could probably have run the best Weapon shop in the land - and you need weapons to defeat the Shadows!

... Oh? You want to know what Shadow's are? Well... uh... to put it simply, there's a mystic well in a dangerous forest, and whenever someone expresses a strong feeling (example, anger, fear, love) a shadow like version of that emotion will form and explore the world.

... I don't want to spoil too much, in case I do end up deciding to take this world further then my drawing books, but yeah... It gets hectic, to say the least.

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