Thursday, February 11, 2016

B3 Ch7 The two kings - part3

The whole town paraded through the entire city, cheering for Midnight and Sunshine as their new rulers. Ruby and Sapphire joined the celebrating, until they found Midnight looking glum.

Ruby: Midnight! There you are!

Sapphire: So... how does it feel to rule an entire island, your majesty?

Midnight: Can it, Sapphire!

Sapphire: A little touchy, your highness?

Midnight: This is terrible! I'm king! KING! Do you know what that means?

Sapphire: That you and Sunshine- I mean, Aurora, probably wont be able to come with us back home?

Midnight: What? Of course I'll go back to ShadowWhisper island!

Just then, Sunshine appeared from the big crowd.

Sunshine: We can't. We have an island to straighten out! And whether you like it or not, you're the elder son to Charon, so you have to rule!

Midnight: But that's boring!

Sapphire: Boring? Would you like to chop off some heads for your amusement?

Midnight: Of course not! Who do you take me for?

Sapphire: It was a joke...

Barak landed among the friends, looking slightly guilty.

Midnight: Barak! Please say there's a way I can back out of this royalty nonsense! I'm not fit for this life!

Barak: Sorry, but until Cole's old enough to take over, you're the king!

Midnight gave a frustrated sigh and slumped against a wall, depressed.

Ruby: It can't be all bad! After all, you control everything!

Midnight said nothing. Instead, he gave them all a bored look, so Ruby and Sapphire decided to leave. Barak followed close behind, tail drooping.

But on the way, they ran into Cole and Misae.

Cole: Oh, there you two are! Um... well, me and the good princess here have been wondering when you'd be leaving for your home island?

Ruby: Probably in a week, when the captain of the ship is ready. Why?

Misae: We want to go with you.

Ruby: And what do your fathers think of this idea?

Cole: They don't actually know, to be honest...

Sapphire: Who cares what they do and don't know! I think it'd be a great chance for you to get off this island and have a real adventure!

Ruby: AHEM...

Sapphire: ... Geographic expedition?

Ruby: All the same, I think your parents should know.

Sapphire: Why?

Ruby: They just happen to be royalty, dear cousin. And when royalty decide to go on an adventure without telling anyone, everyone tends to panic a bit. Barak? Can you let our captain know we'll be ready to set sail as soon as he is?

Barak: Can't we stay here, Ruby?

Ruby: I'm afraid not. Captain SilverBone and his crew are the only ones that can take us back to ShadowWhisper island, and they'll be leaving shortly. It could be months before they come back here!

The green Dragon sighed and took off towards the beach.


Later that night, at the Mist Tavern...

Charon: Now that we are dethroned, life is going to be a bit boring...

Charon and Vulcan (now forced to get along), were spending some time with their long lost relations.

Vulcan: Even with my sister and your son in charge, I agree.

Sunshine: Well, unless you two stop fighting, it'll stay that way.

Midnight: I'd happily let Cole be the king now!

Sunshine: No, Orpheus-

Midnight: Midnight!

Sunshine: It's about time you stop using your nickname... Anyway. Orpheus, Cole is too young to rule on his own!

Midnight: He wont be on his own! He has his- I mean, our dad, and-

Sunshine: That's not exactly comforting.

Midnight: I have a mother, right?

Charon: Yes, but shes busy with other things most of the time, and never has time to rule.

Midnight: Oh, forget it. I'll die of boredom before Cole reaches of age!

Midnight slid off his chair and stormed out of the room. His father looked at him as he went, concerned.

Charon: I've always wanted to see my eldest son again, but I didn't expect him to be... so...

Vulcan: Rebellious?

Charon: Something like that, yes. Why is he so upset about being king? He should be thrilled! A comfortable life, no danger, all the riches he could want...

Sunshine: Well... I haven't known him for as long as Ruby, but I think that's exactly what he doesn't want. As far as I can tell, he lives life on the edge, full of excitement and danger, stealing anything he wants... He doesn't want the easy way of life.

Charon: My son, a thief? Impossible! Why would he learn such a thing as thievery? We have our family honor to uphold!

Sunshine: Me and Orpheus didn't remember our royal life. We had no pressure of "upholding" anything!

Vulcan: Sea amnesia... I've heard of it, but didn't think it was possible until now.

Sunshine: Maybe you should leave him alone for a while... Let the truth sink in a little before forcing some royal duties on him.

Charon: I'll take that advice to heart.

The former black king left the room as well.


  1. So...Cole and Misae are taking Midnight and Auroura's places then? Ok.
