Tuesday, May 3, 2016

B4 Ch5 Planning - part2

Back at the palace, Oceania was taking care of other business with her scribe...

Scribe (Red Seal): What if we were to send them a large chest full of gold?

Oceania: Not too large... We don't want to spoil them. They're rich enough as it is without my help...

Just then, the big doors flung open and in swam a dolphin, who seemed a little excited. Oceania looked up briefly before writing again.

Oceania: Oh. It's you... What do you want, son? Feeling fresher?

Neptune (White Dolphin): Yep! I feel a lot better since I took that potion - the cure really worked!

Oceania: Good. Your spies aren't absolutely hopeless after all.

Neptune: They're not hopeless! They just work in difficult conditions...

Oceania: Not our problem.

Neptune: It is, actually. You're 'partners' keep bullying them into-

Oceania: Don't take it personally, dear. They are just a bunch of lower-class creatures compared to us.

Neptune: Just because of who their parents were?

Oceania ignored her son and passed some letters to the scribe, who swam off with them hastily. The queen then gave a sigh of satisfaction.

Oceania: With any luck, S.A.L.T will be happy with the little present I've decided to give them so they nelieve they are in my favor. And if all goes well, soon every Sea Creature from all the nine oceans will recognize  me as their one true queen!

Neptune: ... What about the sea witch?

The sea queen gave a slight laugh, and waved her flipper dismissively.

Oceania: Oh, her? Don't worry. When she gets me what I want, I'll bribe her to becoming your personal bodyguard. With talent like that, she can't fail!

Neptune: What if she doesn't want to? She's obviously different from us! And I don't mean in blood.

Oceania: Maybe so, but one thing I know about our kind is that we're extremely corruptible. If she listens to her greedy heart, the rest can fall into place with the plan easily.

Neptune: I wish you wouldn't do that. She practically saved my life! Isn't that enough?

Oceania: ... We need to work on your desire for power, Neptune.

Neptune: Yes mother...

Oceania: Now, why don't you and your little city friends have some fun? You can take some gold to buy snacks, maybe see a show... You deserve it, after being locked up in your room for two months.

Neptune: Thank you, mother!

The dolphin was about to head out the door again, but something burst through, making him swim back a bit.

Oceania: What in the name of-...

It was then that Oceania realized it was Sapphire, back from her mission.

Oceania: Ah, lady Sapphire. What a surprise! ... Have you ever thought to knock before you enter? Or at least let my guards know you're here?

The mysterious girl shrugged and swam forward a bit. Neptune hid in the shadows of the pillars to listen for awhile.

Sapphire: Waste of time. And I've got news for you, you're majesty. I've located the treasure you've been searching for!

The queen gave a pleased smile at Sapphire, and immediately started to climb down from the throne.

Oceania: Really? Excellent!

The blue Kangaroo held up her hand to stop Oceania, though, with a grim face.

Sapphire: But there's a catch... a big one.

The queen sat back down on the throne, and waited for Sapphire to go on.

Sapphire: There's a monster protecting it.

Oceania: ... Is that all?

Sapphire: Yeah. A mean nasty monster is guarding the treasure. It's also really big, and breaths ice, just like your friends said.

Oceania: And you couldn't get past it?

Sapphire: Oh, I could. But getting back with a heavy chest would just weigh me down for the swim back through the maze that thing calls home. It was a foolish idea, so I aborted the mission for now.

Oceania: How unfortunate... But I must get that treasure! I'll storm the lair with my entire army if I have too!

Sapphire shook her head in disagreement.

Sapphire: Bad Idea. The tunnels down there are far too narrow to fight in, plus it's pitch black. And the monster would have the home advantage, what with the maze and all. I was lucky enough to find my way out alive!

Oceania gave a long looked at Sapphire, and stated the obvious.

Oceania: ... You don't look harmed.

Sapphire: I was also lucky enough to get out uninjured. I said nothing about being hurt. But what I'm trying to say is that I want do it alone! Everyone has a weakness - I just have to find it, use it, and take what I came for.

Oceania: Very well. Carry on! And let me now if you find anything new.

The blue kangaroo was about to leave, but turned around to face her once more.

Sapphire: And I expect you to hold up your end of the deal once I'm done?

Oceania: Of course! On my family's honor!

Sapphire: Good to know. I hate it when Mythics lie to me...

The Sea kangaroo smiled sweetly and left swiftly, leaving the royals alone. Neptune stepped out of the shadows, with a bored expression.

Neptune: Why do you need that treasure so much? Everyone knows it's legendary because it's impossible to find!

Oceania: Not impossible, my child. Just playing difficult to get... Whether she gets it or not, sooner or later someone will have the power to get me the prize that rests within the cave!

The queen gave a slight laugh before facing her son, with a little frustration.

Oceania: Now leave. You've wasted enough time listening to the grown-ups. Go out and play!

Neptune sighed and exited the room, feeling guilty for something he wasn't doing.


  1. Why was he locked up for two months?

    1. He had BlackBlood sickness. It makes the user extremely sick (obviously) and also very weak. So... he couldn't go two feet without fainting from exhaustion.

  2. I bet the sea witch is Sapphire.

  3. Neptune: Why do you need that treasure so much? Everyone knows it's legendary because it's impossible to find!

    Oceania: Not impossible, my child. Just playing difficult to get... Whether she gets it or not, sooner or later someone will have the power to get me the prize that rests within the cave!

    - when you typed these two lines, i think you accidentally switched neptune's and oceania's name colors

    (and i think the sea witch is URSULA)
