Tuesday, May 24, 2016

B4 Ch7 Item Hunt -part2

When Sapphire and Barak eventually left Hydra's cave, they immediately started to search for LunaWing's edge to retrieve the pearls the ancient Dragon needed.

Sapphire: I think it'd be faster if we head to the surface to start the hunt. You can fly faster then you can swim!

Barak: Ok!

Barak made straight upwards, and into the blurry sunlight.


It took a while to find the destination they were after, but eventually they came across a sea cliff, and Barak made a dive for it.

When they reached the ocean floor, Barak darted towards an archway covered in coral. Sapphire was about to go in, but she noticed a flat rock surrounded by more coral. When she took a closer look at it, she noticed it was had a message carved into it. She couldn't understand it, though.

Sapphire: This looks to be a sign of some sort. Almost a warning... Pity we can't read it.

Barak: So... We continue?

Sapphire: Yup. This isn't stopping us from completing our quest!

Sapphire swam on through the opening in the coral, and Barak followed her closely. They glided through the colourful passageway, until they reached a clearing with clams and pearls scattered everywhere. Sapphire rubbed her hands expectantly.

Sapphire: This has to be the place. Now all we have to do is find a few dozen blue pearls, I guess...

Sapphire started searching for the pearls, while Barak start exploring a bit.

Sapphire: Barak, you'd better come and help me at one point. Don't waste all your time sniffing out starfish!

Barak: Don't worry, I won't!

Sapphire carried on digging into the sand, occasionally finding blue pearls to put into her pocket.

Sapphire: ... He'd better not take forever.

Ten minutes passed, and Sapphire found a few more blue pearls. She wondered why they were so special, and mentally noted to ask Hydra about it when they got back.

... And then she heard Barak's cry and a loud BOOM. She looked up and saw a cloud of sand rise and fall, and spotted Barak charge down at her at top speeds.


He was obviously spooked by something. When Barak reached her, she tried to get him to calm down.

Sapphire: That's my name. What is it, Barak? You remember how to breath, right?

Barak was waving his arms around wildly, and kept pointing back in the direction he came from.

Barak: Scary fish monster things everywhere!

Sapphire blankly looked at him, still having no idea what was up.

Sapphire: ... Can I have a translation?

Barak tried to describe what it was, but words failed him. So Sapphire gave up and calmly continued picking up pearls, but Barak again tried to make his point.

Barak: We have to get out of here! NOW!

Sapphire: You still haven't told me what the problem is.


Sapphire: Ok ok. But we'll only go when we have a few more of these pearls.

Barak wildly looked around before backing off and firing a ball of plasma at the sand where Sapphire was. Sand and pearls alike flew in all directions, and Barak quickly started to grab all the pearls he could get his paws on.

Sapphire: Barak, what on earth are you doing?

Barak: Is this enough pearls?

Sapphire: I don't know. I see more whites and pinks then-

Barak: WE'RE GOING!!

Barak dumped his handful of pearls and grabbed Sapphire's shirt and dashed back to where they had come from. He zoomed out of the coral entrance and up into the sunlight and fresh air. He seemed to be hyperventilating, which made Sapphire worry a bit.

Sapphire: Barak, snap out of it! What's got you so scared? There was no danger there!

Barak: Yes, there was! Scary red eyed fish monsters!

Sapphire: ... Dolphins?

Barak: N-no, they... it wasn't anything I've ever seen!

Sapphire: Well, that's not hard. You're only a few months old!

Barak: But they had sharp pointed teeth and claws, a-and...-

Sapphire: Sure they did. And I suppose they told you to make a fool of yourself?

Barak: They actually told me to get out of here as fast as I could.

Sapphire: I think you made a world record... Listen, Barak. Have you by any chance forgotten that you are a Dragon? Y'know? Big scary strong and smart creature that has the potential to rule the earth with only a single blast of fire?

Barak: No, I didn't forget, but-

Sapphire: Then you had nothing to fear! You just freaked out over nothing.

Barak: I did not! I'm telling you, there was something there!

Sapphire: Mhmm. I bet there was. But you do realize we have to go back down there, right?

Barak: We do? But didn't I give you enough pearls?

Sapphire: I dropped most of them on the way up here, Einstein. We'll have to find them again, or get some more!

Barak: But you still have some, right?

Sapphire: Yeah. Like, ten or so...

Barak: Isn't that good enough? Hydra didn't specifically say how much she needed, right?

Sapphire: No, but it's better to have too much then not enough.

Barak flew even high above the sea, until he almost reached the clouds.

Barak: I'm not going back down there!

Sapphire: Not even for me?

Barak: ... No. Not for anyone!

Sapphire rolled and eyes and gave an annoyed looked at Barak.

Sapphire: Fine. We'll head back to base.

Barak gave a sigh of relief, but Sapphire held up a hand to stop him from thanking her.

Sapphire: But I'm blaming you if Hydra orders us to get some more.

Barak: Uh... Ok, I can deal with that.

Sapphire: Good. Now can you get a little closer to the water? I'm afraid you'll drop me any second now...

Barak slowly made his decent downwards and started flying north, back to Seatopia.


  1. Poor Barak. Probably saw a lion fish, or PLOT TWIST! The Queen's guards searching for the same pearls!
