Thursday, May 19, 2016

B4 Ch7 Item Hunt -part1

When Sapphire and Silver got to Hydra's den entrance, they found Barak relaxing on a ledge above them. He waved before getting up to swim towards them.

Barak: Hi, Sapphire and Silver! You're back!

Sapphire: Why Barak! How did you know we had returned?

Barak: I saw you swim down... Just now, in fact.

Sapphire: I know. I was being what some people call, sarcastic. I'm aware you have eyes.

Barak: Did you have a fun trip?

Sapphire: Actually, we did-

Silver: Didn't. We didn't have fun. Or more like I didn't, to be more accurate.

Sapphire: Oh come on! You enjoyed it!

Silver: I did not! We were practically in danger all of the time! Not a moment's peace, always rushing about...

Sapphire: You got a problem with that?

Silver: Yes! I like to feel safe! No excitement, no risk, and most importantly, NO danger!

Sapphire: You're no fun, then!

Silver: Oh, how can I ever live with that? Not being 'fun'... Well, we all have our definitions of fun, and I'm not sorry to say that danger isn't mine!

Sapphire: Then you won't get anywhere worthwhile.

Silver: So? It's not like anyone would care if I battled a raging monster shark! What? Is 'Danger' your middle name or something?

Sapphire: Sadly, no. My middle name is actually Dara, but that's besides the point.

Silver: Do you do anything with caution, or are you just-

Sapphire: Look, as much as I'd love to continue this conversation, I'm going to report to Hydra about what we know. So if you don't mind...

Sapphire dived into the dark tunnel to Hydra's lair, leaving Barak and Silver floating there. Barak dived in after her, and a frustrated Silver decided to follow them.


When Sapphire swam into the glow of the crystal packed cave, she saw Fang aimlessly floating in the waters. He vaguely looked up when he saw Sapphire gliding towards him.

Sapphire: Hey, Fang.

Fang: Hello, Sapphire.

Sapphire: Where's Hydra?

Hydra: I'm right here.

The old Dragon came out of the treasure room when she heard Sapphire's voice.

Hydra: Good evening! You're back from your little excursion?

Sapphire: Yup.

Fang: Did you do anything interesting? Or perhaps find something edible?

Sapphire took a deep breath and started to explain what she and Silver had done.

Sapphire: Well, we found the ship that we were traveling on, and discovered it needed some repairs.

Fang: Anything we can't fix?

Sapphire: Not that I could see! But then we-... Or, more like I, decided that we should break into S.A.L.T HQ for a little fun, and may or may not have stolen some treasure while we were at it...

Fang: Cool. Anything else?

Sapphire: And then we tracked down Midnight and then gave said treasure for him to look after.

Fang: Oh! Speaking of which, how is Midnight, anyway?

Sapphire: In all honesty, I think he's going slightly insane with the lack of communication from other Mythics.

Fang: Maybe he's just bored out of his mind?

Sapphire: I guess. He has  been there for less then a day...

Just then, Barak and Silver caught up with Sapphire. Barak paddled over to Fang, who latched onto one of his ears.

Barak: Why hasn't he gotten out yet?

Sapphire: Even if he could, he'd be stupid to do it. If he leaves, the spell keeping him alive would break, and we're too far down to swim up in time!

Hydra: ... Is that all keeping him and your other friends?

Sapphire: I guess so.

Hydra chuckled slightly, and started to sketch a plan on the stone walls.

Hydra: Only a spell? No problem. I can take care of that. But I'll need a few items...

Sapphire: And let me guess... You want us to go and get the materials for you?

Hydra: If it's not too much trouble.

Sapphire sighed and gave Hydra a mocking salute.

Sapphire: Your wish is our adventure... What do you need, oh great Dragon of the seas?

Hydra finished scraping the plan, and then explained the list of items she needed help getting.

Hydra: I'll need a couple dozen of blue Verlupe pearls, some Aquamun coral, and white crystals... I can get the rest myself, but I'd like you to take a job each to make things quicker.

Silver: Which is the easiest?

Hydra: The White crystals are the easiest to get, because it can be found right in my cave.

Sapphire: And the hardest?

Hydra: The blue Verlupe pearls. They can only be found in a remote area at the far end of LunaWing's edge.

Silver: Isn't there also suppose to be monsters lurking around that area as well?

Hydra: That's just a tale to scare anyone trying to find treasure, Silver. Don't take it seriously!

Sapphire: Either way, it sounds fun! I can do that no problem!

Silver: Ok, then... I'll get the coral. I know where to find some, plus It's not a suicide mission!

Sapphire: What's that suppose to mean?

Silver: It means it's safe.

Sapphire: Wimpy slug.

Silver: Reckless fool.

Hydra hit both of them over the head with her tail. She shook her head but tried to continue as if nothing happened.

Hydra: Barak and Fang can stay here and look for crystals while I go and get the other items. Now, do any of you have some questions before I leave?

Sapphire raised her hand and cleared her throat.

Sapphire: Yes, I have one. Where am I suppose to find this 'LunaWing's edge', anyway?

Hydra: I'd say a few hundred miles south from Seatopia...

Sapphire: A few hundred m-... Are you serious? I can't swim that far in a day, let alone back with what you want!

Fang tapped Barak's head and pointed at Sapphire. The green Dragon hesitated for a moment before saying...

Barak: I can go with you, Sapphire!

Sapphire: I appreciate the thought, but are you sure? Wouldn't you like it so much better if you stayed here with Fang to look for shiny gems?

Barak: No, and besides! You need my help!

Sapphire shrugged grinned at the green Dragon.

Sapphire: I guess I can't argue there. But can I rest for a bit first? I only just got back!

Barak: Sure!

Sapphire slumped down onto the stony ground, with her hands behind her head. Hydra left the cave with Silver, while Barak and Fang went into the treasure room.


  1. I'd just like to make a comment on the "hands behind her head", I think that just sounds... Unusual. I get the image but it still sounds weird.

    1. I agree, but I couldn't think of anything else that gave the same picture I was trying to make.
