Tuesday, May 17, 2016

B4 Ch6 Salty Amusement - part3

After Sapphire and Silver got to the Sea Palace grounds, they had to navigate past the guards, and traverse a forest of seaweed, before eventually arriving at a bunch of tall towers.

Sapphire: Good. So one of these buildings has to contain Midnight, right?

Silver: Yes. Each tower only contains one prisoner... I guess the guards fear that they'll just team up if there's more than one in a room.

Sapphire: And by the looks of it, there's only one tower with guards. We'll start there!

Sapphire pointed to a nearby tower with Sea Creatures guarding the entrance.

Sapphire: Let's go, then!

Just as she was about to start in that direction, Silver grabbed her arm.

Silver: Are you sure you're completely sane? This is a terribly stupid risky thing to do, you know!

Sapphire: Actually, I don't know if I am. But I'm probably less mad than Midnight. Now help me with this bucket full of treasure!

Sapphire and Silver started towards the tower in a stealthy fashion. When they got behind the building, they started to swim up until they reached a large barred window. Sapphire noticed a dark figure at the far side of the room, who didn't seem to care that they were there.

???: ... Wow. I'm so bored I'm starting to hallucinate that Sapphire is right outside my window...

Sapphire: That's because I am, you moronic luckless good-for-nothing black cat.

The prisoner turned his head slightly in Sapphire's direction, and when he realized she was really... well, real, he rushed towards them as they opened a window and floated in.

Midnight: SAPPHIRE!

Sapphire: And hello to you too, Midnight. But can you keep it down? Your babysitters have ears, y'know. And what are you doing here?

Midnight: Apparently I escaped so many times they became fed up and decided to lock me up in here. Great view, but the nothingness is driving me crazy!

Sapphire peeked through the window, and all that she could see was some kind of sponge bed, a weird looking painting and a chain that seemed to have been broken (probably by Midnight). She faced him, a little curious.

Sapphire: And why haven't you escaped yet? You can easily do that from this place by the looks of it.

Midnight: True, but that would also include drowning.

Sapphire: How come?

Midnight: They told me if I move any further away from here, the spell would break and I'd be breathing water. I decided not to chance that.

Silver: You technically are already breathing water, but I see what you mean...

Midnight: And you have no idea how bored I am in here! My hands are itching for some action!

Sapphire sighed and dumped the loot they got into the tower room. Midnight swam back as the pile of treasure tumbled down into one gleaming pile of gold.

Sapphire: Does this cheer you up a bit?

Midnight picked up a gold coin and bit into it. Satisfied, he stuffed it into one of his pockets and gave Sapphire a suspicious look.

Midnight: Where did you get this? And aren't I suppose to be the one who likes to steal shiny stuff?

Sapphire: We visited-

Silver: Broke into.

Sapphire: - the S.A.L.T headquarters-

Midnight: Who's?

Silver: Serene Animals of Lagoon Treasure.

Midnight: Heh. Stupid name.

Silver: No, Lagoon Treasure was the one who created the organization. Serene stands for calm waters-

Midnight: I stand corrected.

Sapphire: Can I finish my sentence?

Midnight: I don't see why not.

Sapphire: Then can you stop interrupting me?

Sapphire took a deep breath and started to say something...

Sapphire: We got this treasure from some-

Midnight: Wow! There's even gold nuggets in here! Quite small, admittedly, but I could probably sell these for a fairly high price... You have no idea how many Vampires are obsessed with this stuff.

Sapphire gave up and started to drum her fingers on the cold stone-like crystal tower.

Midnight: By the way, why did you come here in the first place?

Sapphire: I wanted to say hi.

The was an odd silence as Midnight blankly stared at Sapphire.

Midnight: ... Really? That was it? You risked your safety just to say hi to me?

Sapphire: Yeah!

Midnight: ... Ok, then.

Sapphire: Oh! And there was another thing... Please take care of all that gold for us, will you?

Midnight looked behind him, and started to laugh.

Midnight: Where?! This room is more barer then the place we were originally locked up in! It's unbearably empty! The guards will find it easily!

Sapphire made a face nodded in understanding.

Sapphire: Yeah, I can see that there are no bears in there. But why don't you hide it under the bed, then? That's what guys usually do, right?

Midnight: It's two inches off the floor. How am I suppose to fit that under there?

Sapphire: Not my problem. See you later!

Midnight: Wait, don't go!

Sapphire: I'm not! I'm temporarily leaving so we can make a fool-proof plan to get you all back!

Midnight: Really?

Sapphire: ... Probably. If it fails we'll just get Barak to blast everything in sight until it stops being a problem.

Midnight: And if that fails?

Sapphire: We'll just get Hydra, an even bigger Dragon to blast everything in sight until it stops being a problem. Either way, we're off.

Sapphire made a dive for the sea floor, not waiting for a goodbye from Midnight.

Midnight: ... Welcome back, boredom. I didn't miss you.

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