Thursday, May 12, 2016

B4 Ch6 Salty Amusement - part2

Sapphire and Silver got through the S.A.L.T front entrance with ease, and started swimming around the empty halls for something of interest.

Silver: Why did you think that sneaking into enemy grounds would be a good idea?

Sapphire: I never said this was a good idea. This is for fun.

Silver: Fun? Where on earth do you come from to call this fun?

Sapphire: On a little island in the middle of no-where. But that's beside the point... Our mission is to find something of interest!

Silver: We're going to die, aren't we?

Sapphire: Stop whining and hurry up, will you?

Sapphire glided over to a huge door, and then realized what she was doing.

Sapphire: Oh boy... I've turned into Midnight...

Silver: Uh... Is that bad?

Sapphire: Maybe not, but Ruby certainly wouldn't approve of me doing this. Oh well! She doesn't have to know.

Sapphire tried to kick the doors open, but without much success.

Sapphire: Ah. I'm still in water... I'll just do it the old fashioned way.

Sapphire pushed open the doors and entered a largish area with tons of treasure everywhere. Sapphire rubbed her hands in glee as she surveyed the room.

Sapphire: This is one swish room they got!

Silver looked around nervously, expecting a bunch of S.A.L.T members to jump out at any moment.

Silver: Ok! We found their treasure chamber! Can we go now?

Sapphire: Are you kidding? We're stealing this!

Silver: All of it?

Sapphire: Nah. Just some of it.. It's not like we can carry all this treasure out! Besides, we only need a bucket full or so.

Sapphire picked up a nearby diamond and stuffed it into her pocket. She then found a golden bucket and started to fill it to the top with gold and jewels.

Silver: It's bad enough that we're in here, but do we have to take their money too?

Sapphire: No, but they do deserve it in a way.

Sapphire shoved the now full bucket at Silver, who almost dropped it. He moaned silently and shook his head in despair.

Silver: We're going to die for sure...

Sapphire: I don't know why you're so scared of S.A.L.T, Silver. What did you do to them?

Silver: Nothing! We just... don't exactly get along.

Sapphire: Yeah, I wonder why... Anyway, let's continue exploring!

Sapphire swam through the doors with Silver lagging behind a bit. Sapphire wandered through the halls, opening and closing doors as she went, seeing if there was anything else interesting.

Silver: Do I have to carry this thing? It's heavy!

Sapphire: Unless you want me to drop it on your head, yes.

Silver: But swimming takes twice the effort with this extra weight!

Sapphire: Then walk! This is smooth ground, you can manage.

Just then, a Sea Creature swam out of nearby room, and seemed shocked when he saw Silver carrying some gold from the Treasure Chamber.

 Sapphire didn't waste any time and charged at the S.A.L.T member, pushing him back into the room out of which he had just come. She hastily shut the door, and barred it with a nearby weapon. She moved back cautiously, waiting for the doors to burst open.

Sapphire: He won't stay in there for long. C'mon, we should hurry before he gets more of his buddies!

Silver: That's what I've been-

Sapphire: No time for chatter!

Sapphire took the treasure from Silver and made a bolt for the exit. The pale otter followed her out and they went straight to the nearest shipwreck to hide. Alarms started to sound as they hid inside the skeleton of the rotting boat. Sapphire seemed pleased, and practically hooted for joy as she dug her hand into the bucket of treasure.

Sapphire: That was fun! Should we go in for a second round?

Silver was horrified at such a suggestion, and shook his head in fear.

Silver: No!

Sapphire: Yeah, I guess you're right. We should deposit this first before we do it again...

Silver tried to stay calm, but he was obviously very angry at her.

Silver: And what was the point of that? We could've gotten caught!

Sapphire: But we didn't.

Silver: Not the point! And what are you going to do with all that money now?

Sapphire: Hide it?

Silver: Where?!  It's not like we can give it to the nearest meeron and ask them to keep it safe!

Sapphire: ... Maybe not a Sea creature, but a Vampire!

Silver: What are you saying? The only Vampires down under the sea are in the queen's palace!

Sapphire: Exactly! We'll just ask one of my friends to keep an eye on it for us! Plus, It would give me a chance to see if they are all right. Maybe Midnight, because I'm sure he'd be more than happy to keep this safe...

Silver: And who's he? A master of stealth and hiding?

Sapphire: Maybe not, but he is a thief. He's black cheetah, who has a thing with dark hoodies and shiny gems... He also gets into trouble a lot.

Silver: Strange... I remember someone of that description being locked in one of the solitary towers of the palace a little while ago...

Sapphire sighed and picked up the treasure. She exited the ship and started in the direction back to Oceania's palace.

Sapphire: That's probably the same guy I'm talking about... Ok. Let's go to this 'solitary tower', then...

Silver laughed nervously, trying to decide whether Sapphire meant it.

Silver: Are you serious? Unlike this place, the palace actually has security!

Sapphire: Relax. If we're real careful, we won't attract any unwanted attention! Besides, the queen won't throw me into the dungeons.

Silver: And if we do? Then what?

Sapphire: If we do, you can sacrifice yourself for the good of the team while I try to deliver the goods. Simple!

Silver: Wait, WHAT?!

Sapphire: HA! Only kidding, Silver. We'll just make a break for it and hope for the best! That usually works.

Sapphire continued walking on the sandy floor of the ocean, but stopped when she realized he wasn't following.

Sapphire: Aren't you coming, Silver?

Silver: No! If you think I'm crazy enough to follow you into more danger, you have another thing coming!

Sapphire sighed and tried to shrug off her disappointment.

Sapphire: Fine... I guess I'll have to go alone... In that case, have fun with your boring life, Silver. Send me a post card when you decide to get adventurous.

She trudged on, leaving Silver alone in the sunken ship with his thoughts. But before he knew what he was doing, he swam out to join her.

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