Thursday, May 5, 2016

B4 Ch5 Planning - part3

Sapphire swam past the guards patrolling the front entrance of the palace, and dived into some seaweed. Barak ,who was hiding nearby, glided forward to greet her

Barak: How did it go? Did she buy it?

Sapphire: I think so. At least she's willing to give me more time solo, so I guess that's a success.

Barak: ... Why did we even tell her all of that? What was the point?

Sapphire: It's good to report to your clients every now and then. Let them know what you're planning and what-not (Even if it's all lies). And now she won't give me any unwanted backup!

Barak: So... Good thing?

Sapphire: Very. Now come on, let's get back to the lair so Hydra can tell us the next part of the plan!

Barak: Ok!

Sapphire grabbed hold of Barak and they sped off west, back to Fang and Hydra.


When Sapphire and Barak eventually found their way through the maze, they saw Fang sitting on a nearby rock, eating what looked to be like some sort of sandwich.

Barak: We're back, Fang!

The red spider looked up and dropped what he was eating to paddle over to Barak, who seemed greatly pleased to see him.

Fang: About time! I almost ran out of sea-sandwiches to eat!

Sapphire: That's nice. Now, where's Hydra? She needs to tell us the next part of the plan!

Fang: She went out a little while ago. 'Said she'd be back soon.

Sapphire: Fine. We can wait for a bit.

Sapphire started floating about the glowing cave, while Barak went into the treasure room nearby. Fang returned to his sandwich and started eating.

But after a while, Sapphire started to get bored. So she decided to explore in another nearby room which Hydra hadn't yet showed them. The room was a lot darker than the rest, so it was harder to navigate in. But eventually, Sapphire heard something nearby.

Being the curious kangaroo she was, she decided to investigate. Before long, she spotted a strange pale figure in the darkness, and noted with slight fear that it was moving.

Sapphire: ... Hello, possibly-hostile creature. Friend or foe?

???: Depends.

Sapphire: ... Silver?

???: Silver what?

Sapphire grabbed hold of the creature and pulled it into the light. The thing turned out to be Silver, a little dazed and trying to work out what was going on.

Sapphire: Ha! I knew it was you. What are you doing here? In fact.. How did you even get here?

Silver: I could say the same to you!

Sapphire: I asked you first!

Silver: Get out of my friend's hideout!

And so saying so, Silver punched Sapphire, and both  of them tumbled to the ground. Sapphire shoved the otter off of her, and pushed him against the wall.

Sapphire: I never knew you had the spunk to attack someone! I'm not sure whether I should be impressed, or annoyed...

Sapphire shoved him away, and he charged back at her.

Silver: What are you doing here? What happened to the Dragon that lives here?

Sapphire: Hydra? she just left to go for a swim (apparently), so chill!

Just then, Barak came in to investigate what  all the noise was about. When Sapphire noticed he was in the room, she yelled out a command at him.

Sapphire: Don't just stand there, Barak! Help me!

Barak: How?

Sapphire: Good question! Send it by letter, but seriously! DO something!

Silver pushed Sapphire back and they both fell on the cavern floor. It was at that moment that Hydra came back, and was furious at the sight she saw.

Hydra: What is going on here? Silver, get up this instant! You're fighting my guest!

Silver and Sapphire stopped fighting and got up when they heard the elder Dragon's voice.

Hydra: Silver, if you were in my clan you'd be banished faster then you could say "Sweet smoking sharks"!

The albino otter seemed astonished at what the ancient Dragon was said, and tried to reason with it.

Silver: But... You never invite anyone into your hideout!

Hydra: That's because they usually sneak in without permission.

Silver: And they didn't?!

Silver pointed to Sapphire and Barak, who were just as confused as he was. Hydra rolled her eyes and explained...

Hydra: No, but after they told me why they were here, I took the risk and invited them in.

Silver: But what about you-know-what?

Hydra: The treasure? Don't worry, they already know. The secret is safe with them!

Silver: But... Your oath...

Hydra: I never said I would keep it. Now, introduce yourself and apologize for your hasty behavior.

The pale otter bowed awkwardly to Sapphire, who was also trying to figure out what was going on.

Silver: No need for introductions, master Hydra... This lady already knows me. But I am sorry for attacking you... I don't usually do that.

Sapphire: That's ok (I guess). I've been itching for a tussle for a while, so thank you! But seriously. Why are you here?

Silver: Um... I-...

Hydra: I guess you could say he works for me.

Sapphire stared in surprise at Silver, who tried to hide any emotion creeping into his face.

Sapphire: So... This is your job? Coming to say hello to an ancient Dragon everyday?

The pale otter gave a bashful laugh and shook his head.

Silver: Not exactly. I just spread horrific rumors about a monster lurking in the shadows of a deserted crevice... Nothing big, but I get a place to sleep and something to eat as a reward!

Sapphire: Then you knew about this place? Why didn't you tell us!

Silver backed off a bit from Sapphire, who looked like she wanted to do something to him.

Silver: I was just protecting Hydra's home! After all, I have sworn loyalty to her, so I have to at least try not to endanger her cave!

Hydra: Thank you, Silver.

Silver: Don't mention it... Anyway. I only attacked you because I thought you managed to kick Hydra out, and were after the treasure!

Hydra chuckled slightly and patted Silver's head gently.

Hydra: Believe me when I say no one can make me move unless I want to.

Silver: I wasn't sure... There have been some odd stories about you, Sapphire. About being a sea-witch and all...

Sapphire sighed and calmed down. She then remembered that she should probably tell Hydra the news she had been meaning to tell.

Sapphire: Oh, Hydra! It seems Oceania has taken the bait. So... What's phase two?

Hydra: Phase two? Lay low for a few days and get some rest. Me and the other Dragon can talk about further plans. So until then, you're free to do whatever you like.

Sapphire: ... Really? Well, ok... I guess...

Silver: Wait, what plan?

Sapphire: I'll explain later. But for now, why don't we go and have a little fun?

Sapphire grabbed the albino otter's hand before he could react, and they swiftly swam up back to the surface.

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