Tuesday, May 31, 2016

B4 Ch7 Item Hunt -part4

When Sapphire got back to LunaWing's edge, she immediately started to search for more of the pearls Hydra needed.

When she got what she needed, she tried to make a hasty retreat back to Barak (who was still blasting everything in sight), but some Simutes were blocking the way.

Simute 1: Thought you could sneak back in here and steal more of our treasure, did you?

Sapphire sighed and swam back a few paces.

Sapphire: Look, I don't want any trouble-...

Simute 2: So you say.

Sapphire: ...- But I really need these pearls.

Simute 2: Do you need them, or want them?

Sapphire: Need.

Simute 1: Why?

Sapphire: The fate of my friends lives depend on it! Now get out of my way, or else!

Simute 2: Or else what?

Sapphire slowly continued to back away until she looked up, and slyly grinned at the two simutes.

Sapphire: Or else an angry Dragon will be sure to ruin your day.

Simute 1: Angry Dragon...?


Hydra: What in Frost's name is going on here?

The two simutes turned around to face Hydra, and Sapphire also noticed that Barak was hiding behind her.

Simute 2: Hydra! What are you doing here? I thought you never left your home without a good reason!

Hydra: I don't. But when I heard that there was a fight over in this part of the ocean, I considered it an emergency, so I left the comfort of my cave to see to this personally.

Simute 1: But we were handling the situation just fine!

Hydra: Maybe in a non-dragon's point of view, but the sight of  my fellow magic-blooded creatures fighting like animals sickens me!

Sapphire: ... Not to be rude, but in a sense, we are animals.

Hydra: While reality is appreciated, I think you knew what I meant.

The simutes hung their heads in mock embarrassment, while Hydra took a good look behind at all the chaos going on. She turned her attention back to Sapphire and the other two strange creatures.

Hydra: Now, I'd like to know who started this in the first place.

Barak sighed and swam forward into Hydra's view.

Barak: I, uh.... may have started this fight...

Hydra was appalled, and Barak continued.

Barak: I blew up their cave... I didn't mean too, but...

The ancient Dragon sighed. She wondered what kind of upbringing Barak was getting, but she stayed on topic.

Hydra: I'm pleased with your honestly, but now you have to say sorry.

Barak gulped and turned towards the two simutes who looked kind of guilty themselves.

Barak: Um... Sorry for attacking you, and... destroying your cave... please don't hurt me...

The penguin shrugged and nudged his friend in good humor.

Simute 2: Think nothing of it.

Simute 1: Yeah! Now we have an excuse to remodel our home! I was so sick of always running into the stalagmites in the dark...

Barak nodded awkwardly, and tried to get nearer to Sapphire, but Hydra asked him another question.

Hydra: And why did you attack the simutes in the first place?

Barak remained silent for a minute before admitting the truth.

Barak: ... They startled me.

The two Dragons had an unusual silence before Hydra sighed and patiently patted Barak's head.

Hydra: That's understandable at your age. Everything around you is new, and sometimes scary... Plus, you're naturally curious, with a desire to understand.

Barak: So... It's ok?

Hydra: Yes. This time I think we can let it slide. But as the future king to all Dragons, you need to learn how to avoid possible fights, even if they are by accident. Do you understand?

Barak: I understand.

Hydra nodded in approval, making Barak smile with relief.

Hydra: Good. Now that this mess has been sorted out, I can get back to my cave and continue working on those charms. I'll take those, then...

One of the simutes gave Hydra a seaweed bag, and Sapphire dropped the pearls inside. Hydra carefully took off and started the trip back to her cave, leaving Sapphire and Barak with the simutes.

Sapphire: ... Well. I guess that probably could've gone better.

Barak: But it could've been worse?

Sapphire: Definitely. At least we eventually got the rest of the pearls for her. Now we just have to wait until she tells us what we need to do next...

Simute 1: If you don't mind me asking, why'd you need them in the first place?

Sapphire shrugged and gave an exhausted sigh.

Sapphire: Apparently we needed them to create some kind of sea charm to protect our friends for when we break them out of Oceania's palace... At least, that's the memo I got from Hydra.

Simute 2: Oh! So the queen has your friends in dept to her?

Sapphire: Not exactly.

Simute 1: In any case, we wish you luck on getting them out!

Sapphire: Thanks. And again, sorry for barging into your grounds, and stuff...

Simute 2: Nah. It was our fault for getting the younger Dragon spooked. We thought you were treasure hunters, trying to steal all our pearls!

Sapphire: In a way we kinda were, but I understand. Anyway, me and Barak will be on our way.

Barak: Wont we help put out the fires I caused?

Simute 2: Nah. We can take care of it.

Barak: Well, ok. And maybe we'll see you guys again?

Simute 1: Maybe. We'll see what destiny has to say about it!

Sapphire tapped Barak's shoulder, and they both started to swim up. Barak took one last look at the strange sea creatures and waved farewell to them. The simutes waved back.

Barak: Bye, odd creatures of the sea!

Simutes: So long, green Dragon of the skies!


Sapphire and Barak were resting on a nearby beach, on an island a little way from Hydra's cave. They were relaxing as the sun started to set.

Sapphire: Well, that was an exciting day...

Barak: Yup. And also a little scary...

Sapphire: At least no one was truly injured in that epic flame battle.

Barak murmered in agreement, and they both lay in the sand in silence for a bit, enjoying the last rays of sun before nightfall.

Barak: ... Sapphire?

Sapphire: M'yeah?

Barak: Hydra said that I was going to be the future king to all Dragons... do you know what that means?

Sapphire: Yup. You're going to be a king!

Barak: I'm serious!

Sapphire: So am I!

Barak: I know what a king is, but...

Sapphire sat upright and placed a hand on Barak's shoulder.

Sapphire: You're only a kid, Barak. You can worry about future problems in the future, ok?

Barak: ...Ok.

Sapphire got up and started to head up the hill towards some trees.

Sapphire: Good. Meanwhile, we should make a campfire. Can you help me get some driftwood?

Barak: Sure!

Barak jumped to his feet and hopped over to Sapphire's side. He'd take Sapphire's advice and ignore what Hydra said for a bit.

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