Tuesday, May 10, 2016

B4 Ch6 Salty Amusement- part1

Sapphire and Silver were swimming through the crystal clear waters of the ocean, looking for something interesting to do.

Sapphire: I suppose you guys don't have any amusement parks we could visit?

Silver: It's bad enough I have to follow you, but do you really have to talk nonsense as well?

Sapphire: No one said you had to come with me. I just figured two heads were better then one, right?

Silver: Wh-? No! I mean, yes-... Sometimes! But I like to do things alone. And that includes not having you with me!

Sapphire: Heh. You say that, but you're still here.

Silver: Clam up.

They swam in silence for a few minutes, until Silver asked the question...

Silver: So how did you manage to get Hydra's permission to stay in her cave?

Sapphire: We had to explain that we were only trying to get our friends back from Oceania. We only needed a little help and then we'd all be on our way.

Silver: Let's hope so...

Sapphire: And besides. Hydra was intrigued by Barak.

Silver: Of course she was...

Sapphire sighed and decided it was best to ignore him for a bit. She started to think of the possible things she could do for fun, when Silver stopped. She turned around to see what was up, and noticed he seemed conflicted.

Silver: ... How do I know I can trust you?

Sapphire: Wasn't Hydra's opinion of me good enough?

Silver: I've learned the hard way to only trust one Mythic - myself.

Sapphire: Even if she is an all-seeing all-knowing Dragon of great power?

Silver didn't answer, and Sapphire sighed and tried making more conversation.

Sapphire: How did a nice snowy otter like you end up meeting a wise and powerful Dragon like Hydra?

Silver: It's a long story...

Sapphire: Well, that's a surprise.

Silver started to follow Sapphire again and they continued in silence for a while.

Silver: ... Aren't you going to say "Go on"?

Sapphire shrugged, with slight amusement.

Sapphire: Why bother? You don't feel like telling me, so why press?

Sapphire suddenly stopped, and remembered something that was probably important.

Sapphire: Wait a minute... Hey, Silver? Where does S.A.L.T. keep all the captured Mythic ships they raid?

Silver: Usually next to their Headquarters.

Sapphire: Is it guarded?

Silver: Hardly ever. Why do you ask?

Sapphire: ... Do you know the way?

Silver: Yes, but-...

Sapphire grabbed Silver's arm and pulled him along with her.

Sapphire: Direct me!

Silver: To where?!

Sapphire: Where else?  S.A.L.T HQ!


Sapphire: ... I was expecting this place to be bigger.

Sapphire was overlooking a large area filled with rotting boats everywhere. Nearby was a small mountain with a large entrance into the S.A.L.T base, but they had other things on their minds.

Silver: ... Ok, so can you tell me why we're here now?

Sapphire: We were on a ship when S.A.L.T attacked us, and we kinda need it back if we all want to go home... I'm just going to assume it's here.

Sapphire swam through the dozens of shipwrecked ships, searching for the one that was theirs.

Sapphire: Don't they do anything with this junkyard?

Silver: Not really... They're only interested in the stuff inside the ships, not the ship itself.

Sapphire: I guess that's one less thing to worry about...

Sapphire kept looking until she came across one that was chained to the ground. She read the name on the side, and thought it was the one they were looking for. Silver caught up with her and took a quick look at the boat.

Silver: Wow. Is this the one you were looking for? Looks good!

Sapphire: Yeah. Despite the mast being chopped in half, and the three big holes in the bottom of the ship, and all the chains keeping it in place, I suppose it could have been worse...

Sapphire swam inside for a better look. Barrels and crates were floating about the place, and a couple of  trinkets were covered in rubbish. Sapphire patted the roof of the boat and nodded thoughtfully.

Sapphire: The chains are going to be a problem, but I think we can fix this... It's in good enough shape, anyway.

Silver: And how are you going to 'fix' it?

Sapphire: I don't know yet. We'll work that out when we get to it!

Silver shook his head and picked up what appeared to be soggy map.

Sapphire: That must've been Ruby's guide back home! She's not going to be pleased to find it in that condition...

Silver: Don't you use the stars? I hear Vampires used them to navigate in the olden days.

Sapphire: Yeah, but only when it wasn't cloudy. Stars are pretty useless when you can't see them...

Silver dropped the piece of paper and was about to pick up something else, when they both heard yells from outside the ship. The otter immediately hid in a nearby corner, while Sapphire dashed out to see what the commotion was about.

Sapphire spotted a bunch of Sea Creatures racing towards an approaching soldier, who seemed to have a wooden chest for them. She swam closer, hoping to catch what they were saying.

It was then that Silver decided to be a little braver and joined her in spying...

Silver: They seem to be excited about something...

Sapphire: About what?

Silver: Maybe a gift from the queen? They seem to get a lot of them these days...

Sapphire: I guess now is a good time as any...

Silver: Yeah. Let's get out of here!

Silver started swimming backwards, but stopped when Sapphire didn't do the same. He got slightly nervous when she started to laugh.

Sapphire: Get out? No no no... We're going in!

Silver tried to back away, but Sapphire grabbed hold of him and dashed forward to the front gates of the S.A.L.T HQ.

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