Thursday, May 26, 2016

B4 Ch7 Item Hunt -part3

Unfortunately for Barak, when they got back to the hidden lair, Hydra wasn't pleased with the number of pearls they returned with. The ancient Dragon shook her head slowly as she finished counting the gleaming blue balls Sapphire gave her.

Hydra: I'm afraid this is only half the amount of pearls I need. You'll have to go back and get some more!

Barak tensed up, and pleadingly looked into Hydra's big cloudy green eyes.

 Barak: Are you sure?

Hydra: Yes. Just because I'm almost five hundred years old, doesn't mean I've forgotten how to count! Now, you can rest for a bit before heading out again, but I'd like to get them some time today if it isn't too much of a bother...

Barak was about to say something, but Sapphire grabbed his neck roughly and started to pull him along back up the hole to the brighter world.

Sapphire: What did I tell you, Barak? WE. NEEDED. MORE.

Barak desperately dug his claws into the wide tunnel, not letting loose as Sapphire tried to pull him loose.

Sapphire: Stop shivering in your timbers, Barak! We need to go back to LunaWing's edge!

Barak still clawed on for dear life, and Sapphire tried pulling on his tail. He still wouldn't budge.

Sapphire: What are you, Barak?


Sapphire managed to free Barak's claws and tried pulling him again up the tunnel.


Sapphire: Stop being a coward, Barak! We-

Sapphire reached the exit, but Barak had wedged his claws in the hard stone and refused to let go.


Sapphire stopped trying to loosen Barak's grip, and realized that Barak was probably going to stay there until he was certain that they weren't going back to that sea cliff.

Sapphire: So you wont do it for yourself?

Barak: How is that suppose to change my mind?

Sapphire sighed and let go of Barak's tail, and backed off a bit, but the small Dragon still refused to let go.

Sapphire: Look, I'm sorry for getting you worked up, Barak.. But we need those pearls in order to save Ruby and the others! I'm pretty sure you can understand that.

Barak still didn't move. Sapphire tried again to convince him...

Sapphire: Do you want to leave everyone in the hands of that witch for a queen? Because that's the vibe I'm getting from you...

Barak looked up, and if there wasn't water everywhere to begin with, Sapphire thought Barak would've created a flood of tears. She softened a little when he tried answering her question.

Barak: I-I don't... It's just...

Sapphire swam further away, trying one last time to get him to come with her.

Sapphire: You have to grow up if we want to get our friends back. I'll go alone if I have to, but-

Barak shook his head vigorously, and unhooked his claws. He flew right up to Sapphire's side, and took hold of her hand.

Barak: No! If you're going into a dangerous place filled with monsters, then I have to be there to protect you!

Sapphire patted Barak's head gently and nodded in approval.

Sapphire: Then what are we waiting for? Let's get those cursed pearls from the imaginary monsters of death!

Barak: They aren't imaginary.

Sapphire: We'll wait and see.

Barak took off with Sapphire back to the oceans surface, and headed south for the second time that day...


Barak: I'm starting to change my mind about this...

Barak was slowly trailing after Sapphire, and getting slower by the minute.

Sapphire: That's just your inner coward talking. Don't take any notice of it! Besides, I think you went too far west when we were flying... I believe we're lost.

Barak kept looking anxiously behind him, until he stopped altogether. Sapphire groaned impatiently and spun around to face him.

Sapphire: There's nothing dangerous, Barak! The only thing we have to fear is rabid sharks and killer whales!

Barak: Killer whales?

Sapphire: Yeah. I saw a wanted posted for five big whales, but I'd like to think they'd have a hard time sneaking up on us... Anyway. The point is, there are no fantasy monsters that have a thirst for Dragon blood! It's all-

Sapphire stopped. She felt a sharp object behind her back, and Barak looked liked he saw a ghost. A voice that sounded like granite on rusty metal gave a command to her.

???: Turn around, Rechen. And don't get any funny ideas, you're surrounded!

Sapphire: If I may be so bold, by who?

In an instant, dozens of horrific creatures started to appear out of what seemed like no where.

???: By those guys. Now do what you're told!

Sapphire decided it was best to listen to the annonymous voice for now, so she spun around slowly and faced a penguin with a jagged jaw, with ruffled dirty feathers and eyes with a dull glow. Barak whispered behind her, almost excitedly.

Barak: See! I told you there was something to worry about!

Sapphire: Something is right! What on earth are they? Some kinda' fish demons?

One of the strange alien-like animals lunged forward at Sapphire, bearing sharp jagged teeth, and what smelled like rotten fish breath.

??? (dolphin thing): Don't you know what we are, Rechen?

Sapphire: If we knew that, I'd throw more insults at you.

The creature holding the sharpened object gave a slight cackle. He seemed to think she was joking.

Simute 2 (penguin thing): We're Simutes, moron! Can't you tell just by looking at our ugly mugs?

Sapphire: Si-whats?

The penguin monster snapped his beak at Sapphire's face and the other one called back to the others.

Simute 1 (dolphin thing): Hear that, fellers? She doesn't know what we are! Seatopia must be getting better at keeping secrets safe and sound!

Barak: It's not just her, I don't get it either!

The penguin creature leaned forward to get a better look at Barak, who tried to hide behind Sapphire.

Simute 2: Ah, yes... weren't you the one who blew up our cave earlier this afternoon, or is it just me?

Barak's blood turned to ice at those words, and tried to explain, but the Simute held a flipper up for silence.

Simute 2: No need to deny or confess. It was a rhetorical question. We already know it was you who did it, not to mention stole our pearls, so let's not beat around the coral.

Sapphire tried to make reason out of this, but it ended up more like an excuse.

Sapphire: It was for a good reason. But we left a little earlier then intended, and we need some more of your 'treasure', if you don't mind...-

Simute 1: Actually, we do mind.

Sapphire scowled at them and folded her arms in annoyance.

Sapphire: Greedy. You have more pearls then you know what to do with!

Simute 2: Maybe so, but we had a sign there that says "NO ENTRY. INTRUDERS WILL BE SERVED JUSTICE"! Didn't you read it before you trespassed into our grounds?

Sapphire: Well, I tried, but I couldn't understand a world of it.

The Simutes started to mutter angrily, until the mutated dolphin made a suggestion.

Simute 1: Why don't we just bring them back to our cave, and maybe give them a little b-

Barak couldn't take it any longer. He grabbed Sapphire's arm and raced upwards to the surface as fast as he could (which was actually quite fast, considering who he was), leaving the Simutes in a cloud of sand.

Sapphire: Barak! You could have at least let the guy finished his sentence! Maybe he was going to ask us to dinner or something?

But Barak wasn't in the mood for a lecture about manners. He burst through the ocean waves and high into the sky. He silently hoped that Simutes couldn't fly.

Sapphire: Great job. So, what are you going to do now, genius?

Barak: Fly back to Hydra and apologize for not being able to get the pearls she needed?

Sapphire: Not an option! Get back down there and fight like a crazed Dragon!

Barak: Ok... But with what?

Sapphire: Didn't you just recently learn how to create fire that can't burn out in water?

Barak: Yes, but wont it hurt them?

Sapphire: I'm sure it wont. Now get down there and fire at will!

Barak let go of Sapphire, and they both dived back into the sea. Sapphire tried to follow Barak as he raced back down to the sea floor, but he was out of reach in a matter of seconds.

When she eventually caught up with him, everything was a blue inferno of Dragon fire, for Barak's aim was really bad, and also the Simutes kept disappearing behind coral and in the sand. Sapphire yelled at Barak to stop.

Sapphire: Barak! Aim better! You'll burn the whole ocean down at this rate!

Barak ceased attacking for a minute to desperately look Sapphire in the eyes.

Barak: How? They keep moving!

Sapphire: Well, I would too if I knew a Dragon was trying to hit me with a ball of blazing fire! Try to aim at where they're going to be, instead of where they are!

Barak concentrated and blasted a fireball at one of the Simutes. It crashed into the seabed and was clouded in a misty smoke. Sapphire applauded.

Sapphire: That's more like it! Keep it up, buddy!

Barak: ... Is he in pain?

Sapphire: I'm sure he's fine. Keep firing like no tomorrow!

Barak: But will there be a tomorrow?

Sapphire: Not for us if you stop!

Barak kept attacking the Simutes, while Sapphire decided she would take this opportunity to find LunaWing's edge and get some pearls while the inhabitants were busy. She spotted the sea cliff and made a line straight for it.

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