Tuesday, January 5, 2016

B3 Ch4 Village in the forest -part1

Early next morning, Midnight sneaked out of the Mist tavern and started exploring the town again, searching for members of the Storm Gang.

... It didn't take long to find them.

???: Hey, over here!

Midnight turned to see some teenage Vampires, beckoning him to come and join them.

Midnight: Uh, hi... I was hoping I'd run into you guys.

Lila (white wolf): Yeah. Oh, and you still haven't answered our questions yet!

Midnight: W-... Oh... that... Can we go someplace more private? Away from the public streets?

Lila: A wise choice, sir!

Midnight: Don't call me sir... It sounds ridiculous.

They quickly entered a nearby alleyway, which seemed abandoned. Midnight then got straight to the point.

Midnight: Look, guys. I'm not Cole-

Lila: Oh, not this again... I thought you were going to answer some of our questions!

Midnight: Let me finish!... I'm not Cole, but apparently we're brothers, which is why you mistook me for him.

The vampires stared at Midnight, shocked. The small rabbit who found Midnight spoke up.

Ron: The prince doesn't have a brother!

Midnight: That's what he thought as well, until he thought about it for five more seconds.

Lila: Your highness, this joke has gone on long enough. What are you trying to-

Midnight: Still don't believe me? Ok... plan B. Let's go and visit my brother! Can't be that hard breaking in again...

Steve (red deer): Why would you need to break into your own castle?

Midnight: I just said-... You're all thicker than a bag of bricks buried in cement.

Midnight strode off towards the Black castle again, leaving the Storm members gawping at him. He suspected his brother didn't often insult them.


Midnight unlocked the window to Cole's bedroom, and stealthily climbed through. He saw his brother duly reading a large book, which he dropped when he saw Midnight.

Cole: Midnight! What are you doing back here? And... what are they doing following you?

Midnight: As funny as this was, little brother, I wanted to get this cleared up before a crisis appeared, forcing me to fix your problems and stuff.

The storm members couldn't believe what they were seeing, so they remained silent.

Midnight: Also, all your friends need glasses. Seriously.

Ron: My eyesight is perfectly fine, uh... prince...?

Midnight: Midnight. Just Midnight. None of that royalty nonsense.

Steve: So it's true...

Lila: Were you the one that Ron led down to our hideout?

Midnight: Yup. Not that any of you listened. And I still don't know who you are!

Cole: Can we continue this talk elsewhere? My... 'teacher', is going to turn up at any minute, and I'd like to skip her boring lectures about our past history and why it's so important I have to continue the war with the white kingdom...

Midnight: Fair enough. Alright, troops! Back to home base! (wherever that is)

Cole: Hey, that's my line!

Midnight: Good! I'm doing my job then.


Meanwhile, Sapphire was searching the city for Midnight with Barak. As they looked high and low for him, Barak cried out to Sapphire.

Barak: I found him!

Sapphire: Where?

Barak: Just around the corner, with a bunch of other Vampires.

Sapphire headed towards where Barak pointed, and saw two Midnight's. Although one seemed to be younger and more worried. She rushed up to him, ready to punch the truth out of him.

Sapphire: MIDNIGHT! Where on earth were you? Ruby forced me out to find you before I got any breakfast, you jerk. And who's this? Your twin?

Midnight: Eh, close. He's my brother.

Sapphire punched Midnight in the chest, making him stumble backwards.

Sapphire: Don't play games with me. You already owe me a free meal, blacky!

Midnight: No, I'm serious, Sapphire...

Just then, Barak landed next to Sapphire, making some of the Storm members to step back in fright.

Barak: He's telling the truth, Sapphire.

Sapphire: How do you know? Last time I checked, you could only look into the future! And Dragons can't read minds.

Barak: I... just know.

Sapphire sighed and took Cole's hand, shaking it in apology.

Sapphire: Sorry, Midnight's brother-

Ron: Cole.

Sapphire: ... Cole... I don't trust every word Midnight says. Sometimes bad things happen if we do.

Cole: It's ok... Sapphire, was it? A pretty name, for a pretty girl.

Sapphire chuckled and punched Midnight again.

Sapphire: Your brother has better manners then you, blacky... Barak, send word to Ruby, "We found the thief and his brother. Head back to base quickly, we'll meet you there."

Barak nodded, and took off into the air and out of sight.


  1. Shouldn't they be amazed at the fact that there is a non vampire with a dragon right in front of them?

  2. They probably don't know (or care) that Sapphire's a Sea Creature. Even if they did, the Vampires and DSC have good history with each other, so it's all good I guess.

    And Barak... I don't know. Maybe they were just in shock from seeing Dragon for the first time, and couldn't react to anything else for the time being.

  3. Replies
    1. Probably. I haven't given it enough thought yet!
