Saturday, January 9, 2016

Private Memory Library

Hey guys! Guess what time it is?


Why, yes it is! Here's the picture!

Out of the thousands of books I've read, my favorites are in this private library in my mind! I review them from time to time to get inspiration for UV adventures, but mostly for my own amusement.

As you can see, Ruby and Sunshine are allowed in, for they (similar to me) are bookworms.

... I also dislike drawing books. But in order for this to be an actual library, I had to sketch out a lot of them...

It was worth it, though!


  1. So pretty! And GLASSES! I wear them too!

    1. Yeah. I hate drawing them, but without glasses the world is a big blurry mystery of fuzz for me.

  2. Hi again! Really, really long time no see :P Happy approximate 2 years of Undercover Vamparoo! I wish that I could do mine for that long... I guess my perseverance isn't high enough -.- AND I have this problem with redoing my works -.- Sigh.
