Tuesday, January 26, 2016

B3 Ch6 Aunt Sunshine - part1

When Sapphire caught up with everyone else outside the castle, she saw that her cousin was frustrated.

Sapphire: So Midnight's in jail... What do we do now?

Ruby: Maybe we should wait until tomorrow and see if he escapes. If not, we'll make up a plan and get him out.

Sunshine: Ok. Meanwhile, there's a certain White princess that has to get home before anyone notices her absence.

Cole: I'll do it. I know the way in-

Sapphire: Not through the front door.

Cole: No, a secret way in.

Ruby: Ok, what is it?

Cole: Ah, but if I told you, it wouldn't be a secret.

Ruby: Fair enough. Will you come and meet us at Mist Tavern later?

Cole: I'll try.

Ruby: See you later, then!

Cole took Misae's hand and started straight for the White castle.


Cole and Misae were carefully running across the rooftops, trying not to be seen. Soon enough, Cole came across an open window, and Misae jumped through.

Misae: Thanks for getting me back home, and, y'know...

Cole: My pleasure, Princess Misae. Thank you for allowing me a chance to prove myself to be a gentleman!

Misae: You sound like my personal bodyguard. I like that!

Cole: Uh, thanks?

Misae: ... What are you going to do now?

Cole: This war has to stop. It's stupid beyond reason! We don't even remember why this all started in the first place!

Misae: Yeah, but it must've been a good reason, otherwise, why has it continued for so long?

Cole: The point is, it has to stop. Now, I've got a plan, but I need your help... I know I can't force you, but I really do need you.

Misae: As much as I don't like it, I guess I will.

Just then, they both looked up in alarm, hearing the sound of a door being opened. Cole swiftly hid behind a wall while Misae tried to act natural as a guard came in.

Guard: Princess! Thank goodness you're here, your father has been looking everywhere for you!

Misae: Why? What does he want?

Guard: I don't know, but he requests your presences.

Misae: Fine. Give me a minute, I'll be there. There better be cake waiting for me...

The guard left relieved, and Misae gave a frustrated sigh.

Cole: If you want, I can send you a letter, telling you about my plan. Would that be convenient for you?

Misae: Fine. Whatever.

Misae then left the room without another word. She headed down a flight of stairs and went into a big room, where her father was waiting.

Vulcan: Ah, my favorite daughter!

Misae: I'm your only daughter, father.

Vulcan: You're right. And that makes you special!

Misae: Naturally. But why did you call? I've got a lot of stuff I want to do sometime this year!

Vulcan: Of course, let's get straight to the point. There's a young boy in our dungeons currently, and we've identified that he could be the son of Charon, most hatred enemy of the White kingdom!

Misae: Yeah, I was the one who ordered his arrest. What about it?

Vulcan: If my plan doesn't go well, we'll have to kill him. Something to look forward to isn't it, my lovely lily?

Misae nodded before leaving the room. She hurried up to a nearby guard and held out her hands expectantly. The guard looked at her, confused.

Misae: Give me your keys.

Guard (yellow deer): I don't have any keys!

Misae: Nice try, but I know all the guards wearing the royal symbol of the White castle has at least some keys. Now, hand them over, before I tell my father you've been trying to deceive me!

The guard shook his head but handed over a some keys before marching off, obviously annoyed. The princess smiled and headed down towards the dungeons. Soon enough, she saw a dark hooded figure sitting quietly in the corner.

She rushed forward, and banged on the metal bars.

Misae: Hey! Orpheus?

A grinning face met hers, which she glared back at. She then tried to find the key to the cell door.

Midnight: What are you doing here, princess? I didn't think you'd come down here to visit me.

Misae: Shut up. I'm getting you out of here!

Midnight: Why? Finally changed your mind about me?

Misae: No, but if my father's plan doesn't go well, whatever it is, you'll be killed!

Midnight: I know. Tell me something new

Misae (after trying all the keys) gave a frustrated sigh.

Misae: The cell key isn't with me! Dumb guard not having the dungeon key...

Midnight: It's alright, it's not the end of the world.

Misae: But if I don't get you out in a few days you'll die!

Midnight: Don't worry about me. If I truly wanted to escape, I would've already done so.

Misae growled, while Midnight took a step closer to her. He stared at her thoughtfully, before finally opening his mouth again.

Midnight: You must be Sunshine's niece, Misae...

Misae: Sunshine? Who's that?

Midnight: One of my friends that arrived with me. Your father looked younger than I expected.

Misae: That's impossible! That girl looked only a few years older than me! How can she be my aunt?

Midnight: It's just a theory. But Sunshine apparently disappeared from this island the same time I did, so it's a pretty good one.

Clank, clank, clank, clank, clank, clank...

Midnight: Here come the guards, princess. You better not get caught talking to me!

Misae boldly walked towards the knights marching down the steps towards her. They didn't say a word as she carried on without taking a glance at them.


Since it's also Australia Day today, it's a double post all in one!

Well... Not that special, but It's what I could do in one afternoon. I was also working on a "Secret Project" (which will be coming out later this year), so I was mostly distracted.

But, yeah... Have a good day/night!

1 comment:

    Do you watch Pretty Cure?
